Associate Professor in Geometry at the Mathematics and Computer Science Department of the University of Catania
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@skariko @lealternative in questo momento io uso syncthing-fork che funziona magnificamente bene. Spero davvero che venga mantenuto.
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I found this guide on endeavouros forum. Of course you need just the part where you kill xfwm and xfdesktop. It is for i3 but the principle similar for any window manager. And you need a conpositor, usually picom, because xfwm, that you are replacing, has its own compositor.
You can install Xfce and change the window manager. You will need to install a compositor, picom for example, but you will have the xfce panel and a working DE. This works flowlessly with i3 and bspwm for sure. It’s a nice setup.
@BrandoCalrissian9229 I think this solution is the one that could give you less headache, if none at all.
@BrandoCalrissian9229 that’s definitely true. You could use an external ssd, if you have problems
@BrandoCalrissian9229 @yogurtwrong I never tried dual boot, but as far as I know the best thing is to have two separated drives in order to avoid problems (which can happen).
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