And so it begins. Pretty soon we’re gonna have a black market egg cartel.
And so it begins. Pretty soon we’re gonna have a black market egg cartel.
I don’t know how he even saw anything. I heard she was in a racing car, passing by
Do the opposite. Don’t get rid of the z and the gtr. Honda can keep making their future looking evs and nix their ugly ice cars
Clean your fucking desk.
Hot noods tho. 9/10
If your system is using pipewire, any audio player will also use it.
Strawberry is the best youre gonna get. For KDE, Elisa is also an option ive used in the past. Prettier but simpler.
Guillotines for kings
Y’all mothafuckers clearly can’t sense sarcasm lol
Love the window decoration
I’m disappointed in Dave grohl
Nice try, foreign agent.
On the bright side, at least planned obsolescence isnt in the auto industry???
Avocado, nuts, fish, kombucha
Hall monitor type for fucking sure
Tf happened to Venezuela?
They better be careful, the AI could actually make stuff more impartial. They wouldn’t want that
This. Hes not fucking ugly, thats the takeaway here lol
Neither does letting a killer walk free, who could potentially lose his shit and kill again.
If youre bleeding poop, see a doctor. If your poop is bloody, eat better.