At least they don’t cheap out on the VRAM if there really is a 16GB variant
Verspielt verspult 🧑💻
At least they don’t cheap out on the VRAM if there really is a 16GB variant
See here for hosts:
Their FAQ says kind of:
Many other devices are supported by GrapheneOS at a source level, and it can be built for them without modifications to the existing GrapheneOS source tree. […] In most cases, substantial work beyond that will be needed to bring the support up to the same standards. For most devices, the hardware and firmware will prevent providing a reasonably secure device, regardless of the work put into device support.
The requirements that GrapheneOS has on the hardware, like relocking the bootloader and hardware level access, should be part of rights to repair / digital markets act imo. They are even considering producing their own hardware in the future.
Aktuell würdest du dir damit leider eine riesengroße Zielscheibe auf die Stirn malen.
Besser schauen welche Dienste man so nutzt und dass alles E2E verschlüsselt ist.
Sendergruppe deren Inhalte niemand schauen sollte verkauft altbackene Zeitschriftenformate die niemand lesen sollte an Verlagsgruppe von der niemand was kaufen sollte.
Those do not have to cancel each other out necessarily. The open and modular design of Application APIs in AOSP lets the user decide which way they want to interact with the devices they own compared to the walled garden. Graphene does an excellent job by leveraging this design with further encapsulation while focusing on baseline compatibility and keeping up with google. Sadly the last one is a difficult task, so some features may take their time, while others we may never see.
That’s interesting. Apart from the pathfinding, Osmand behaves kind of sluggish for me and I had to get used to the UI/UX which can be overwhelming at first (even for tech savy people). But therefor its also a lot more sophisticated and feature complete which I also like.
To each their own, maybe even both ;)
Didn’t know my favorite case supplier was European! Could have guessed by the design language and the Fractal “North” lol.
Ergotopia is a German brand for office furniture, chairs in particular. Their desks look awesome as well.
They try to produce locally (germany) whenever feasible, a little more on that in their FAQ.
Organic maps is the best alternative I could find. It’s on Accressent which you can get from the GrapheneOS App store. All the maps you want are downloaded to the device, no need for network access afterwards / continuously. Pathfinding is fast compared to e.g. Osmand. It’s pretty barebones though.
Thanks for the great writeup! Some of your Issues may be fixable, others stem from the fact that its sadly an alternative OS developed by a hand full of people compared to a multi billion dollar corp. But trying out new things and seeing true progression in development can be exciting too / make up for the inconveniences. In the long run this project can’t stay dependant on google, since they make their money from data and not hardware, and one of GrapheneOSs main purposes is to remove that source of income i guess. Also google is known to kill their products out of nowhere. Anyways:
The GrapheneOS forums say there is no intent on implementing this. It will probably be locked behind Google play services anyway.
I realized I was always hearing the same 100 songs in a loop while I had saved over 6000. It was nice to experience “true shuffle” again.
Could be a great opportunity for MLC Chat, which uses OpenCL.
Or forbid network access in graphene os
Favourite Far Cry 2 and 3 are the best of the bunch imho
Would be nice if there could be an implementation by someone else than apple or google
“news that will get you banished from society if you try to explain it to anyone who doesn’t live on the internet”
That would only be stupid if you can’t live without ray tracing or you profit of NVIDIA-optimized software. The frame per dollar ratio has always been better on AMD since only the rasterization performace is key here. I have had only AMD cards in the past, currently being on a 6700xt, and never had any problems.
So this is what they use in crime shows when they zoom in 100x on some potato cam footage from a bodega 🤔