That sucks. Sorry you have to deal with that.
That sucks. Sorry you have to deal with that.
Yeah, I’ve been using PayPal and AirBnB for years but if they ever start req… excuse me, WHEN they start requiring government ID I’m out.
I never tried Stripe
I don’t consider them social media.
Virtually nothing on it is about the poster, and that’s mostly how I see social media. Even more baffling is people calling YouTube social media.
Two important caveats though.
maybe r/JohnQSmith type things are prevalent just not in my experience. There’s plenty of content I’ve never seen.
The descriptivists won the day, so language is about what people do say not what people should say. If people call it that and the dictionary or whatever says something different, the speakers aren’t wrong. The dictionary is wrong.
Haha yeah, good bit.
I just wanted to be clear that just because we’re both going to deny the election results if we lose doesn’t mean we’re at all similar in other regards.
Sorry if I was a little defensive. Lot of “BWAH I DONT LIKE THIS” in the comments but zero “Actually I think we’ll just say ‘Well done Donnie, enjoy being president. See you in four years.’. Not even “Well if HE wins then it actually WILL have been rigged so of course we’ll call it that.”. All " boo” no content
I don’t have the ppm memorized, but it was like tenth percentile
Not really. Since it isn’t in my well no matter what I do, the effects of fluoride in water aren’t relevant to my question.
But the consensus in the comments is that fluoride in my toothpaste and maybe mouthwash is sufficient, and having fluoride treatments as a child but not as an adult makes sense.
Reads like a shibboleth to me
Fluoridated water just isn’t an option for me but I can ask my dentist about options beyond fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash.
Modern Wisdom
I’m Perd Hapley, and this, is a thing I’m saying.
Fair. I didn’t invent them. I could backronym them maybe. Grumpy Old Party and Workers Matter Party?
Heh, fair. I do think 9999/10,000 is about right but I don’t know you enough to trust you enough to make odds.
Tell you what. One sided free money bet. If you claim WMP will just say “Well, guess we lost this one” and not say the race was rigged (is this your claim? You still haven’t claimed it yet I think) I’ll come back in November with a post titled “CoggyMcFee I’m Calling You Out!” linking this post.
If Biden wins, so much the better for the world. If GOP doesn’t accept it we’re both winners, no trade. If GOP accepts it we’re both losers, no trade.
If Trump wins, God help us, and WMP just says “Congratulations, hope we win next time” I’ll give $500 to your favorite charity, or half that to anyone I can’t write off, yourself included.
If Trump wins and WMP says the election was rigged, well, you haven’t agreed to anything and owe me nothing. If you feel honor bound, my charity is OSI the Open Space Institute.
If I forget call my ass out. If Trump wins frankly we have bigger problems but I’ll pay.
Haha Democrats
We’re WMP Republicans are GOP. Probably stands for something but just shorthand
In that case always remember I love and support you. Shoot the other guy not me :)
I see insufficient evidence that you are in fact the harbinger of death and destruction by your mere presence
According to South Park - Jared Has Aides, it’s 22.3 years.
You’re fine
Every time except one