There are no sources for that because it’s so wrong and dumb I don’t think you can even find one that would claim it.
-tons of natural resources (oil, precious metals, fisheries, timber)
-tons of undeveloped land
-unique landscapes for USA
-crazy strategic value to geography (Aleutian chain, proximity to VERY quickly melting arctic ice passages to other parts of the world that have historically been nigh impassable)
-it reliably votes red every general election, and most Alaska senators and house reps are Republican (even if they are more often the odd-votes)
The list goes on. The comment you’re replying to is one of the dumbest trump speculations I’ve ever seen. Trump has enough we can speculate on, we don’t need to make up nonsense.
Mmmmmmm me likey.
Patron/vassal pyramid scheme experience gain system that incentivized helping out less experienced players because you got a % of their XP (at no loss to them) and their vassals, etc etc…
Back in the day when you didn’t have an online guide for everything. World was HUGE and there was no real fast travel, but there was a crazy portal network. Random portals in the middle of nowhere that would dump you out at other random parts of the map. Portals exiting dungeons randomly take you somewhere else. I had a spiral ring notebook of portal coords and sometimes to get somewhere it was 7-8 hops through a few dungeons… Or hours running across the map trying to not get janked by high level mobs or other PVP players.
That era of MMO will never live again, and it’s a damn shame.