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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I am a longtime fan of Debian Stable, for exactly that reason. I installed the XFCE version using the custom installer about 8 years ago and have had very few issues.

    Initially my GPU wasn’t well supported so I had to use the installer from Nvidia, forcing me to manually reinstall the driver after every kernel update. That issue has been fixed in recent years so now I can just use the driver from the Debian repos.

    I installed the unattended-updates package about 2 years ago and it has been smooth sailing since

  • Everyone I know who has had a skunk spray was due to one of two causes:

    1). They ran it over with their car or 2). Their dog attacked it

    In general skunks are very reticent to actually spray. I’ve never known anyone to get it from just walking by. I knew someone who blocked a skunk with their shoe from running in the house, because they mistook it for their cat.

    From what I understand, they have poor eyesight and hearing, so in my experience they usually don’t even notice you. They are a wild animal though so the important thing would be to not surprise them. I think if you make noise, keep your distance, and never corner one you should be fine.

  • It sounds like this is your first playthrough so I’ll try to avoid giving spoilers.

    In my opinion the best way to enjoy the game is to just do everything - explore the entire map and follow up any leads in your journal.

    For example, you probably already know about an owlbear cave from the dying guy and his two cultists, the ones who first told you what a “True Soul” is.

    I suggest following up on all of those leads, finding a way to the Underdark and exploring everything there. Once you find the part that prompts you that once you proceed you can’t turn back (the passage into Act 2) then you should backtrack and take the overland route.

    Speak with Halsin for suggestions on how to find the Underdark. If he is dead you can get some info from notes on his body or in his office at the Grove.

    If however, you prefer to only follow up on the most important quests or you want to strictly act immersively then my suggestion is to finish a few quests that have important outcomes that change how later acts play out (e.g., has this person been killed, did you rescue this other person) or have important decisions that define your character, or at least have good loot.

    -Auntie Ethel seems to know something about your tadpole. Maybe meet up with her at her quaint teahouse

    -Wyll is hunting a devil, which is even more important to him than the tadpole. Help him find his quarry

    -The goblins are a threat to the Tieflings and the Grove (you’ve already started this one)

    -There was a note in the apothecary in the blighted village. It mentioned a shipment being sent to the cellar. Maybe there’s good loot down there

    -Lae’zel knows of a crèche nearby where her people can cure you. She is adamant that you find it

    -There’s an old highway to the north called the Risen Road. It should go all the way to Baldur’s Gate. Maybe the path is still clear. Surely someone in the city could help you find a cure…

    This game is huge and many things you do will affect the world later. Mechanically, how the game keeps track of that is based on the state of the world when you advance to the next act. For example, people will be absent from later acts if they die in Act 1. Your decisions have consequences for the world. So I say make sure you’re there to make those decisions