thanks i hate it
neurodivergent queer luddite technologist
thanks i hate it
tangential but I’ve given up on managing cookie preferences on most sites
I installed cookie autodelete and allow sites I care about, then let the rest get purged when I close their tab
it’s probably not perfect – they could still build a profile based on IP address, browser fingerprint, etc. – but I figure it at least makes it harder for a lot of em
plus I’m not on Facebook or Google or the other big advertising platforms so that helps
low orbit ion cannon and friends were tools for participating in anon ddos ops back in the day, but it wasn’t exactly safe – without a vpn your isp and other intermediaries can see your traffic, and the host can see your ip address. with a vpn you’re in part dosing your vpn, depending on the attack
no idea how anon organizes such things these days
brb deploying each bin from coreutils as a separate aws lambda function
quantum services
take your source code and put each character in its own docker container
this gives you the absolute peak of scalability and agility as every quantum of your application is decoupled from the others and can be deployed or scaled independently
implementing, operating and debugging this architecture is left as an exercise for the reader
that will be $250,000 kthx
roughly 32% of (eligible to vote) americans voted for trump
that’s hardly “most”
Terry Pratchett’s Discworld has The Clacks, a network of semaphore towers that can transmit messages, later including encoded images, across the disc.
wait this was a private catholic school nvm
deleted by creator
at least all those state actors will have to fight it out to control my system
and i have an excuse for poor application performance
oh such hope
in a week IntegerThatTracksOneThingForOnePurpose
will be an object tracking 30% of the game state and mutated in 15 places without ever being renamed
mate this is not the place for this
it’s hard work! I struggle with it myself, everyday
here’s a secret, though: you’re good, actually, even if you don’t Do Thing. I will believe this for you, even if your brain won’t
if neither works then you might as well be kind to yourself, ne
I’m with HE on this one. KF is absolutely against their ToS, and if the various middle providers between HE and KF aren’t going to step in, they’re within their rights to drop that traffic.
At this level the Internet is still somewhat decentralized. KF can continue to find other hosts and ISPs that condone their horror, and said providers and peers have the right to drop them for being terrible. They could register their own ASN, broadcast routes, and other providers could still refuse to peer with them. I think this is good, actually.
but what about The Slippery Slope? next conservatives will be making ISPs take down vulnerable minorities! shouldn’t legislation be handling this?
The conservative folks are already attacking LGBTQ+ and any other minorities they want via legislation. Why would you think this is a good argument?