And boy, can she make an apple strudel
And boy, can she make an apple strudel
I went vegan for a bit for much the same reason. In all seriousness, good for you, taking responsibility for your footprint and the consequences of your dietary decisions.
More recently I’ve started keeping chickens and ducks (predominantly for eggs, inevitably one day for meat), and it’s given me additional insight into how animal agriculture can be done more responsibly and how we can integrate it into our communities and to enrich our land.
I think it’s great to foster awareness and agency in our food system. If being vegan works for you, I think it’s wonderful. If being vegetarian works for you, also great. I remember the first time someone self-righteously told me they are vegetarian and only eat eggs, and I asked them what they think happens to the roosters since they’re still born at a roughly 1:1 ratio. Introspection occurred. And if someone still Insists that eating tons of factory-raised meat is the only way, well then maybe they aren’t ready to think about it yet but hopefully I can plant a seed that will germinate later.
It does sound pretty impressive that each loop is 4,435.2 inches
Does Trump think that Pence’s wife’s name is Teresa?
My understanding is that dog food is sometimes the answer, but I believe in some cases it’s actually more “cost effective” to either compost them or just throw them away. The system is broken.
Rideshare apps are the Robin to their Batman
It’s not discrimination if they’re uniquely unqualified due to their sub-standard education.
I imagine that would affect the accuracy somewhat, no?
Just like the Second Amendment, there was no possible way for our ancestors to foresee the multitudinous manners of future flag disrespect.
I’m just going to assume that anyone who goes in the next couple years was ready to spill the beans on Boeing.
What is this, a crime for ants?
It also won’t drive you into a train against your will.
See you on the surface of the Sun 😎
I was thinking the same thing about the gentleman’s trousers.
For anyone not familiar with AUC, it starts with the founding of Rome in 753 BC. So this would be ~1950 CE.
Cheers for making me learn a new year numbering system.
Who are you try to make shit themself while in / over international waters?
Hey little buddy, it’s time for your nap.
No more dong matcha for me, thank you
Ducks are the best! But try to tell me they aren’t also the messiest creatures to walk the earth.