In a blender
In a blender
In a codebase with a lot of warnings is even better for me to add a disable comments for all the existing warning and then not allow any new one in.
And then each time a part of the code needs to be touched the existing warning there should be solved too.
Meanwhile in another universe one of my biggest win was to introduce this line in our PR validation pipeline.
eslint . --max-warnings 0
This may work if the developer is a possible client too like in this case. But I feel that’s the exception.
Do what the clients want and not what developers, designers or management want.
I would add Outer Wilds to the list.
You can really only play it once in a lifetime but I think it’s the best video game experiences available.
Honorable mention for Tunic and Cocoon for the same reason
Prepping as already suggested helps a lot. But make use of appliances too.
A fish fillet can cook in the oven in 40 minutes but does not require care while cooking.
A slow cooker is a god send. You can start your ribs the night before and they’ll be ready for lunch.
Then pasta takes 10 minute to cook and you can just prep some veggies/souces in advance.
For a game it has to be Outer Wilds…
And please do yourself a favor and play it the one time you’re allowed in this lifetime if you’ve not yet done it, as you can.
Other wilds as already suggested Is a must play. But a strong second contender for me Is cocoon. Logic/environment puzzles, with no hand holding in any way, you have to figure out everything but the level design Is sooo good.
Honorable mention for Tunic.
I had a “portable” 286 PC with DOS. And two games. Bubbles Bubbles and a game with two chimps throwing Bananas at each other.
Seems so. Checked the sources and there’s no upload/download. And testing it I can confirm the network tab in the dev tools is silent. Everything work local side. Probably with some additional work this could be converted to a PWA (Progressive Web App) and work completely offline.
History repeats itself.