Is this actually accurate? If so, can it please gain traction and attention? We can’t allow these creeps to play games anymore. It’s time to stop letting everything slide.
Is this actually accurate? If so, can it please gain traction and attention? We can’t allow these creeps to play games anymore. It’s time to stop letting everything slide.
This actually kind of sucks because then if/when the votes don’t look close to how they expect according to polls they automatically assume something fishy happened.
And yes, I realize many will think that regardless.
Sounds like a fun way to interact with the kids. They must love you coming to the games.
Eh, people mess up sometimes. If the apology seemed sincere and you actually want the job, I would give them another chance. If not, don’t.
Hey sorry, I really wasn’t looking for a long argument here, just wanted to clarify my earlier comment.
But yes, we have different viewpoints. I have kids. I would feel responsible for the window because it’s my kid and that’s reasonable and what society expects. If my kid wanted to talk to their teacher about something in private I’m ok with that.
They obviously won’t share literally everything, but if my kids have a problem trusting me then I’m failing as a parent.
Perhaps therapist was the wrong word. Many schools have health officers who act as emotional support staff that work with students.
I believe all educators have a duty to the well-being of the student ovet the parents. Students are people too, not a thing that parents own until they turn 18. They should be afforded confidentiality too.
Parents should be aware of what is going on in their kids’ lives.
This means being a parent and actively being involved in their life. It does not mean abusing the trust that kids give to teachers, councilors, therapists and other adults they might confide in.
If there exists an ideal food, perfect beyond measure, this would be it.
“Let us prey together”
That would be a cat burglar.
Personally, I think the phrase ‘colored people’ sounds negative and offensive today. I have to assume this wasn’t always the case since it makes up 40% of the NAACP’s name.
Edited to add - I should have said ‘potentially offensive’. I do feel like the context in how it was used matters in this case. Our perception of things sometimes changes over time. If we have truely decided as a society to avoid the phrase entirely, then perhaps it’s time to rename the NAACP?
This is a nice quick read with some practical advice learned through read world experience. Thanks for sharing.
I deleted the app and reinstalled. ‘Delete account’ is confusing - am I deleting it from the app or from the server entirely? I feel there is could be a better word to describe removing the account from just the app.
Imagine depending on your creditor, who also happens to be your employer, for the very oxygen you breathe. This would be like a company town x1000.
I had a bass teacher early on that recorded about 4 notes onto a cassette, played very slowly and repeated several times. He then sort of coached me through guessing a note on the neck at random while he played it back and I would adjust higher or lower from there.
These days I mostly do the same thing, but after memorizing the line enough to hum it out loud or in my head. I can usually play most of not all of a song of mediumish difficultly (most popular rock songs) within a single playthrough, assuming the parts are straightforward and repetitious. More involved tunes might require a few playthroughs.
I will sometimes go to YouTube for really complicated stuff or when the bass part is harder to make out.
I generally use ‘count’ for a counter and ‘idx’ for index.
I’m not using C or Java languages though - if I were I would probably go with the more classic terse approach.
Also, if I’m reviewing a PR and I have to load more of the diff context to understand what a variable represents, then that variable has the wrong name.
I’m honestly prefer short but (usually) complete words. Somewhere along the line I realized that being explicit really helps when you need to change it later.
It might be silly, but I love this picture.every time I see it.
I really want to know the background on it. Where and when was it? Who was playing? Did she intentionally kick him? Did she know him? Does she still? Was the picture a happy accident or did they know it was coming?
The world needs to know the answers to these pressing questions.