“…join the Discord…”
Aaaaand I’m out.
Beide sind so stinkreich, dass sie nie wieder arbeiten müssen. Im Gegensatz zum Fußvolk da draußen…
Now let’s put that list on codeberg instead of github.
I don’t see a conspiracy here, it’s more like a bit of frustration of some parts of the press not doing their jobs. Fact checking police numbers is one of them.
Also: Speaking about “then thousands” at a protest gives another vibe than speaking about “hundred thousands” or “a quarter of a million” which is closer to the truth and makes a democratic protest seem smaller than it is.
Have a look at the hiby R1. It is tiny, sort of cheap and works just fine. Bought it with an awesome set of IEMs and a 512G microsd.
I am fascinated by news agencies copying the official numbers from the police. I was there. We were stuck most of the time because even the large areas near the Reichstag were overcrowded. From what I can say I guess it was way closer to that 250k of people the organizers were talking about.
mpv youtube-URL works just fine without even loading the crappy scripts to show a banner like that. Manage your subscriptions with a RSS feeder and you don’t need an account to follow creators.
I agree with you on the sustainability thing and aliexpress. It was an example I did once. Buying thrift shop clothes or get things for free is my main point of getting new-to-me clothes. Thank you.
I vaguely remember Ukraine not being able to use western tanks because the software of said tanks was incompatible with the bullets.
Always has been
Can recommend ‘pop culture detective’ on that one
The last one is a cleverly disguised “Datenelch”.
So he will live for 5 more years?