lol… its still thinking about it :D
free west papua
lol… its still thinking about it :D
thx! really good clarifications.
wait for a jetstar sale, fly to japan, save some coin :D
… legit flying to bali or thailand could probs make the $$$ add up.
bit of a tangent… but if you are travelling japan, it’s a great place to get glasses. super cheap, great customer service, free eye test, wide range.
in the past ive got my basic glasses in a couple hours at jins for well under $100.
on last trip i got multi-focals (love them) for ~$170 at megane ichiba, took about a week, but was over the nye break.
mouse sized woolly mammoth would be pretty fucking cool.
imagine the sound when he toots his little trunk.
could store him in the fridge.
i kinda wonder if this is motivated as a non tariff trade barrier to chinese cars designed for the china market which loves apps, touch screens and karaoke in your car 🤔
my suburb is build on old light industrial area. close to everything, great transport and bike paths.
the main problem we have is land banking property developers just sit on land and wait for its value to go up so they can flip and make bank for doing nothing. also what gets built is to maximise profits not provide appropriate housing for all, so we get a lot of “executive suites” with italian tiles, european appliance and other wank shit that’s only there to drive up the price.
the answer as always is good quality public housing available to all (see vienna and singapore).
good bots wear their seat belt 👍
counter argument: taco rice and spam isn’t actually healthy, but lying about obachan being dead so you can keep pocketing her pension means you can buy more chu-hai.
and nothing of value was lost
or we could not sacrifice our very limited green space to property developers overlords?!
i’m not saying don’t use green space better… but keep it green.
ps: i live in a very high density area and love it… but build up not out.
you should visit honkers
step one should be a change of leadership.
“blue pilled”
cool, but there are already fuck all fires compared to fossil fuel cars.
edit: random citation link
i dont support summary execution for many things…
you need electoral reform so you can fuck the democrats right off
…that’s the shanghai maglev
edit: it was built by siemens though, so get a few euro wank points.