Commence operation “find out”!
Commence operation “find out”!
It’s for the extra helpful documentation. You see, in this fantastic example, after the author set GLFW_TRUE to 1, he explained the deep and profound meaning of the value. This exemplifies that the number 1 can also be written as a word: “One”! Some people might be able to figure this out, but the author clearly went above and beyond to make the code accessible to the open source community, encouraging contributions from anyone who’s considering improving the code. Furthermore, this follows the long held tradition of man pages - explaining the nuance of the code, in preparation for telling others to RTFM when they arrogantly ask a question.
Check out “commercial” TVs. These are TVs for businesses (e.g. displaying a menu at a restaurant). They typically don’t have the “smart” features. You have to look for them specifically.
This is why governments should use public infrastructure for public services.
There’s only one thing to do…
It will regret the day it messed with FREEDOM!
The mouse.
Bring on the downvotes. 🎉
Did they seriously not give the snitch the bounty? Can anyone provide official news story on this?
“Suddenly” 😂
Psht. Didn’t even include a banana for scale.
Get in losers, we’re going to the future.
Audio jack needs to die.
Out the way, boomers.
I have not regretted it. Bought a second EV for my family as well. Most of my extended family have also bought EVs and all had positive experiences. I don’t know anyone who has regretted it.
I pronounce it the correct way.
I chuckled at the part at the end, that basically says “some people voiced concerns over switching to an open source solution because of support and SLAs”. It’s like, “yoooo, you just got fucked, in a concerted effort by a large company to shed customers that ‘don’t matter’ to them. What makes you think an open source could be worse than this?”
If their customers are going to have to get used to not owning games they paid for, I guess Ubisoft is going to get used to not having money 🤷🏻