You called it “bloated” which makes it sound you like you did not know that.
You called it “bloated” which makes it sound you like you did not know that.
These laws are intentionally toothless. Google will eat the fines and the feds can pretend they won something.
Nothing will change until we start imprisoning executives who break the law.
Any multi platform GUI toolkit with a cross-compilable language will give you twice the functionality in half the development time over HTML+CSS+JavaScript.
Hundreds of companies have tried to solve this exact problem for years and already did the cost/benefit analysis. It turns out that writing almost all of your code exactly once is cheaper than doing it in the multiple stacks that would be required with whatever your dream architecture is. They are not idiots just because you want them to be.
You sound like someone with zero practical experience in this area who just wants to rant about code purity. The rest of us are trying to get shit done while you pine for a perfect technology stack that will never exist.
Lol so you’re one of the devs the author is talking about. Imagine getting this worked up over a topic you clearly don’t understand. “Failed technology stack” – that’s right everyone, the most widely used stack on the planet is a failure because this guy doesn’t like javascript. Everyone else in the world is obviously a stupid moron for not seeing things his way.
If you program in anything other than machine code you are an idiot. Remember that next time you use a failed abstraction like C.
Can’t believe this nonsense actually got upvoted. You never even identify any real issues with modern JS or HTML. It’s just a bunch of run-on whining. “HTML was meant to provide a standardized way for presenting data” – lol so literally how it’s still used today.
You didn’t give an example of shit. I asked for an example of how boys’ rights are being treated and you come up with some wussy nonsense about recess. Give me a break. No one has a “right” to recess, even if your complaints about it were true, which they aren’t.
Your ideology is a fragile, weak joke. It’s pathetic that the right thinks they own masculinity and strength while acting like a bunch of whiny wimps.
Lol recess is a right now?
So what? That has nothing to do with anyone’s rights. Girls are facing having their body autonomy stripped away and the best you can come up with for boys is that they don’t have boys only orgs at school anymore?
Conservatives are so fucking soft.
What male -specific rights are currently threatened or actively being removed?
The rate of girls identitying as liberal is significantly higher and unlike the conservative boys, the rate hasn’t started dropping off. Probably because the girls face actual threats to their freedoms, while the conservative boys’ complaints are about a bunch of imaginary nonsense.
But of course it’s boys who get the headline. The hill is a right wing dumpster bin.
The carriers refused to do it one their own so Google had to provide the servers themselves. Apple could do the same, but we all know they won’t and never will. If it wasn’t this excuse it would be another one.
Oh of course they target women and not the pedophile pastors assaulting their own children. These right wing Christians are disgusting people.
We cannot allow another country to pretend they have jurisdiction in North America, that’s beyond unacceptable. These enforcers absolutely need to be arrested and deported.
China won’t do shit. They are just as dependent on the US/Canada, if not moreso at this point. If we allow this to continue we are essentially surrendering our sovereignty to them, while allowing them to harass and threaten our taxpayers. That is pure cowardice.
I mean even Solaris and the BSDs are just different flavors of Unix
I’m confused, do you actually believe that Democrats are not beholden to big money?
What she did should be considered election fraud and a felony. She and the fascists who helped her should all be in prison.
How do you “fucking go in” to an online bank? And why are you being so aggressive about a simple question? Getting tired of people still acting like redditors here.
How could that be legal?
Man, I hope the EU pulls the trigger on Google. They are way, way overdue for getting broken up. It’s insane how easily they can change the entire internet on a whim with zero oversight. The Biden admin will never do it.
Do you have an article about react? I’d love to read it. And yes tech is chock full of egos and fakers.
Then we shouldn’t call them JRPGs.