This is awesome, thank you!
This is awesome, thank you!
I don’t remember all the technobabble but am almost sure Apple push notifications are actually ’pulled’.
Regardless, there are some sweet RSS reader apps which make it seem like push notifications.
This solves spreading the news.
… Founders enter the chat …
I can pinpoint/narrow it down further. This show really takes off once Sisko grows his iconic beard and shaves his head a couple of episodes later.
Just shortly after they aired the worst DS9 episode ever.
asking for a chef
I suppose username checks out too.
Hypnotoad enters the chat
They went in straight. All good then.
Oh, so you haven’t watched any Turkish TV yet? Every drama show must at least be a 2h episode, gives you not only an insane amount of commercial breaks but on top will randomly (in short intervals) inject an ad in the lower thirds. So even if any of these shows were to end up on the high seas, those ads are embedded. It’s so distracting, I cannot fathom how people put up with that.
Blink twice and we mount a rescue operation.
That’s the best kind of sh… wait, what?
That’s a good one!
Have I got some ‘news’ for you:
Guile enters the chat
Gifting mine in your name, I got your back.