@dgerard @blakestacey Bertrand Russel famously argued he was the pope by starting with false premises. At least according to my logic professor. That’s the earliest version I’m aware of.
Failed polymath. Bearer of ancient curse. Compelled to keep moving forward.
@dgerard @blakestacey Bertrand Russel famously argued he was the pope by starting with false premises. At least according to my logic professor. That’s the earliest version I’m aware of.
@YourNetworkIsHaunted I think I feel similarly. Things are pretty dire in Canada, too. Right-wing populism is polling very high, our media landscape is mostly conservative-owned, and our communities are fractured. I don’t know what to do either, I’ve been feeling anxious and sick all week, but I think part of the answer has to be local, grass-roots community building, connecting disparate people together for empathy and communication, with minimal reliance on the institutions that got us here
@sailor_sega_saturn @BlueMonday1984 here in Canada our prime minister (who’s no fan of Trump) used the word “decisive” too. I think at least some people are using the word because they know it’s what he wants to hear. It makes my skin crawl, but I can’t argue there isn’t a logic in trying to maintain some power over him with flattery
@HelixDab2 @sue_me_please I’d go a step further and say it doesn’t work. It’s an inherently flawed concept that you can reduce human thought, skill, ability, and behaviour to a number and then rank people by it. The legacy of general intelligence itself is that of people assuming it exists and seeking to justify their assumptions.
@BlueMonday1984 you can actually get an HL: Alyx compatible Windows Mixed Reality set on eBay for well under $200. I use an Acer one pretty much exclusively for Beatsaber, but it’s very capable hardware for other games too. It’s kind of a shame that the WMR sets didn’t catch on. They were cheap, even new, and were the start of a less closed VR ecosystem. Facebook massively undercut them by selling at a loss when they were released, though, and they were pretty much dead in the water.
@V0ldek @youngalfred I’d argue that they’re put in places they shouldn’t be, where tactile feedback is important. Like car interfaces.
@BlueMonday1984 @blakestacey I can’t believe I’m siding with Michael Bay over James Cameron on a matter of artistic integrity. Make it stop!
@sailor_sega_saturn @gerikson it’s very funny, but I wish they didn’t AI clone David Attenborough’s voice for it
@sc_griffith Sobering. Making meat from scratch sure sounds like a hard problem. But what if, hear me out, we acquire whatever meat we can find that can’t afford to sue us, deconstitute it into our bio reactors, and then sell the resultant slurry on a prescription basis?