Thank you, Spain
Thank you, Spain
Warum steht in diesem Artikel nichts zum Wahlprogramm der Linkspartei?
Die körperlosen Köpfe sind für eine Kino Werbung zu gruselig
how was your workday?
Ich hasse diese scheiß Instagramm-Influenza
Weil es sich um Teilgruppen von zwei verschiedenen Gruppen handelt. Nämlich die Gruppe aller Hauptverursacher (davon sind 68% über 65 Jahre alt und 32% unter 65) und die Gruppe aller unter 65 Jährigen (davon sind 55% Hauptverursacher)
Wenn man Anteile von zwei unterschiedlichen Gruppen Addiert, kann man schon auf mehr als 100% kommen.
Das erstere ist, wieviele der Hauptverursacher über 65 Jahre alt ist.
Das zweite, wieviele der unter 65-Jährigen Hauptverursacher sind
What game is this from?
This is clearly illustrated by vast data on immigrant crime and jihad from across Western Europe including rape gangs and rates of non-indigenous violence in England, Islamic terrorism in France, gang violence in Sweden, and rates of rape and stabbings in Germany. Ayaan Hirsi Ali has just published a concise overview of important data around this very bleak situation. And, importantly for Irish readers concerned about reckless immigration policies, Ayaan’s work mirrors the sobering picture painted by Peter Ryan: “How Soaring Crime Changed Immigration Policy in Denmark and Sweden”.
Thomas Fazi, who is concerned about the far-right, is using far-right talking points while citing right-wing outlets you’ve never heard of.
We see this trend across Europe, where the spectre of a “far right” populist revolt has sent de-nationalised elites into a panic. This was recently epitomised by the hysteria around the AfD’s success in eastern Germany. Something similar happened in France with Le Pen’s successes, and to a lesser degree in Portugal with Chega, Spain with Vox, Sweden with Sweden Democrats, Italy with Meloni and so on.
Let me get this straight, Thomas: we should be worried about the Nazis in the national armed forces (shocking, I know) of Ukraine, while the reaction to the AfD, a party with nazi leaders, chanting nazi slogans and spouting NSDAP apologia, which wants to deport undesirables (including German citizens), is overblown?
Those eyes are too big for my liking
zl;ng wird man Kirchensteuer zahlen müssen?
In my book and apparently a lot of other peoples books, anarchism is to the left of communism.
Since anarchism is its own political wing to you, could you give a taxonomy or something that shows how anarchism is its own wing?
Racists are delicious
I experienced true beauty just now
If we work together and do our part, we can shorten the wait by more than you might think
The opinion of my “compatriots” changes absolutely nothing on this.
and I have zero problems with calling bigoted xenophobes bigoted xenophobes.
you serm to have a problem calling them out as such when you just so happen to share their nationality (which, to be clear, doesn’t change their morality in any way, shape, or form). Why is that?
Urgh, just grant them asylum, as is their human right, and let them contribute to society! Then, these cynical “attacks” on national sovereignty or whatever would cease immediately