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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • Appreciate ya, and agreed there too. Like UltraGiGaGigantic said, it’s unfortunately not a party for the people. Neither are, really. Something American Democrats should consider is dropping the whole “vote Blue no matter who” kind of mentality. The huge base of people with that are part of the reason the DNC is able to maintain status quo and not have to actually do anything people want. If a large enough group of people were able to get together and agree on shit for once, a third-party or independent candidate might be possible. But the parties are basically treated like sports teams. Like, you’re either team A or team B and theres no other option. except it’s just a game at the end of the day. The system is set up to continue to enforce the two-party dichotomy, unfortunately.

  • Election time was so irritating, Lemmy basically reigned in Harris as the next messiah; I had to end up blocking political keywords to make it usable. Kamala Harris is an absolute joke and the DNC is an even bigger joke. I remember seeing one post where someone basically claimed she has a spotless political career and I’m just thinking, 😮‍💨, really?

    The problem with left leaning individuals on the internet is we have a lot of drive and conviction behind our ideas which is a good thing, but that should translate into real life activism or doing something that will combat the current political system and promote change. But we are beaten down since that’s basically a total pipe dream, we realize what the problem is and feel powerless to fix it. What’s

    Now, whats a good way to regain some of the power over your “opponents”? Silence their opinion, whether that be outright censorship or in other ways that are antithetical to getting the point across.

    The American political system has us fighting amongst one another to keep people distracted from who is really fucking everyone up the ass daily. And it continues to work. We need to stop this petty squabbling and use all this wasted energy on something useful that could actually bring us together, like maybe instead of just browsing social media all day, you could go out in to the real world.

    I am left-leaning and live in a predominantly conservative area. Very red. When I go out, people usually don’t just randomly talk about Trump all day, that’s just not reality. Most people dont make their political views their entire personality. I hear way more about Trump from social media than I am ever do from people in real life. And I assure you, I don’t seek it out.

    You have way more in common with the other side than you realize. Social media allows the worst aspects of peoples personality to come out since you don’t have to look at a human being in front of you that has feelings, goals, beliefs, dreams, et al. just like you do. Have some god damn compassion and maybe try to understand why people on the other side have come to the conclusions they have, instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water.

  • This. You have to accept your shortcomings and tell people the best way to interact with you. My boss at work is also very ADHD and about a decade older than me, but a very smart guy. So I was able to learn a lot from him. One of the first things I caught on to was when someone asked him to do something in-person he would flat out tell them that he would forget and to please send him an email so he could review later. Then he could see that in his inbox as a reminder and would keep that email maked unread until he could get to it, depending on priority level. That was when I realized that is a thing you can do and people appreciate it. It shows that you really do care and you’re commited to doing whatever it is, you just need a little help. Thing is, when people are asking for help they’re not necessarily asking for you to do everything on your own.

    When my SO has tasks for me to do, they know not to interrupt me during other tasks and to make a list for me, usually through just a text message.

    What I’ve noticed is with the ADHD brain, it is hard to strike a focus. But when you can it is a powerful thing and you can get a lot done in a short amount of time. When someone interrupts that, for me, it can be very frustrating. Who knows when I’ll be able to strike gold again and get all this shit done?

    Be honest with your partner and try to find the best way you can to explain your feelings. Ask for help, as people are more receptive to addressing interpersonal issues when you frame it as something you need as opposed to something that the other is doing wrong.

    Make lists. Write everything down. If you are hiking the next morning, come up with a plan together to prep as much as you can the day before. Make a list of things you need to do in the morning before leaving, and mutually agree on a departure time in advance. That last part is hard for me, but I promise you it is better than the alternative (leaving it up to fate).

    When you have ADHD, planning is both your greatest enemy and your best ally. Enemy because it is hard to make yourself do it, but your ally because if you do it, you can get some initial stress out of the way and when the time comes to do the thing you can spend more time thinking about the thing; or, living in the moment, as they say.

  • I see your point entirely and I understand why you feel that way. Just want to give you my friendly opinion on Coffee. I wouldn’t consider him a “shock” Youtuber, personally. He is an entertainer and a journalist, and pretty good at both IMO. He is definitely drumming up drama to a degree but I think this topic is especially worth the attention. I’ve watched the series this is a part of and can tell you that dude has done his homework. He included several interviews he did with different people that offers up a few pretty interesting perspectives. I recommend checking it out! At the end of the day, clickbait thumbnails and titles work well on YouTube and for some creators that otherwise might not drum it up it can be a matter of, “if you can’t beat em, join em”, but I definitely think the ends justify the means considering all of his work is what I and many others would call “fighting the good fight”.