• 20 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Let’s take your Australian as example. Let’s make him a white male factory worker. Could he, despite being a proleterian, subjugate women or non-whites?

    Of course. But it doesn’t mean that women and non-whites are suddenly a class. Chauvinism does not equal, that the opressed ones are automatically a class. This is the crucial point of your misunderstanding, what a social class is. When Lenin wrote about the great russian chauvinism, it was never about a “great russian class”, because there was and is not such a thing. What you are trying to imply is, that I think, that the white male factory worker can not express oppression towards women or non-white, because he is immune to it, because he is part of the working class. And this is clearly not the case.

    I can only quote again:

    Classes are large groups of people who differ from one another according to their place in a historically determined system of social production, according to their relationship (largely fixed and formulated in laws) to the means of production, according to their role in the social organization of labour and consequently according to the way in which they acquire and the size of the share of social wealth they possess. Classes are groups of people, one of which can appropriate the labor of another due to the difference in their place in a particular system of the social economy.

    [LW Volume 29 (German, idk where to find “Die große Initiative” online in english), Page 410]

    This is something very concrete. When Lenin writes that “Classes are groups of people, one of which can appropriate the labor of another due to the difference in their place in a particular system of the social economy”, then he does not mean, that the opressed and exploited south is now a class. It is pretty narrowed to the question regarding the relationship towards the means of production. The exploitation of the global south you see now is not rooted in the existence of a “non-white” class, but in capitalism - especially imperialism at its highest stage. A social class is determined by the material relations to the means of production.

    If he were to do so, does he do so as individual or as part of a class with systemic features that allows him to enact his power?

    Which class? I asked you already about which other classes you are talking, but you are simply stating, that they are part of a ominous class. Is it the “man class” or a “non-white class”? The oppression of women roots historically in the existence of privat property, divison of labour and and and, but neither women and men are a own class. The same as nations. Oppressed groups are not automatically a class. Classes are linked to production and change as it develops:

    Now as for myself, I do not claim to have discovered either the existence of classes in modern society or the struggle between them. Long before me, bourgeois historians had described the historical development of this struggle between the classes, as had bourgeois economists their economic anatomy. My own contribution was 1. to show that the existence of classes is merely bound up with certain historical phases in the development of production; 2. that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat; 3. that this dictatorship itself constitutes no more than a transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society.


    What is the relationship of the proleteriat in the imperial cores with those from the peripheries?

    Imperialism has the tendency to segregate privileged categories among the workers as well and to separate them from the great mass of the proletariat. The real situation of working class in the imperial core and the peripherie is not the same. The existence of opportunism in the working class in an imperialist country does not mean, that entirely new social classes exist, which are as many as nations exist. You have the indian, austrian, australian, vietnamese and ukrainian working class in the historical period we actually live now, but not a whole nations as one class.

    And I’m side-stepping your condescension in attempt to answer in good faith but my patience is thin.

    (It’s fine not to know and explore. It is not fine to confidently double down on ignorance, which is the impression you are giving off)

    Nah, stop with that rhetoric. Your patience is really not part of my concerne. Your understanding, what a class is simply contradicts the marxist understanding what a social class is. In the opposite you are trying to draw something quite interesting: If men and women are not a class, then there is somehow not oppression towards women or what are you trying to say? You are calling almost everything a class, as long there is somewhere a form of oppression. Looking at the oppression of homosexuality, do we have a homosexual and heterosexual class? Because only then the white australian factore worker can be homophobic. How does the class war between men and women look like and how is the situation of the non-binary class, if gender is a class how to stated.

    Would you be happy for me to use your responses and turn it into a post? I’m sure you are not the only one who thinks like this.

    I would probably be neither happy or unhappy if you do it. But it would be fine if you find time to answer this comment.

  • As a westerner, you are part of a class that subjugates the global south.

    Nations of peoples and genders are definitely classes.

    Classes are the result of the social division of labor under the constraint of economic scarcity. Members of different classes differ economically from one another in terms of their position in the system of social production. Or to let Lenin speak:

    The fundamental criterion by which classes are distinguished is the place they occupy in social production, and, consequently, the relation in which they stand to the means of production. Appropriation of one part or another of the social means of production and its application to private enterprise, to undertakings organised for the sale of the product, is the fundamental distinction of one class in present-day society (the bourgeoisie) from the proletariat, which is deprived of the means of production and sells its labour-power.


    Gender and nation are not a class. This is in total contradiction to Marxism. You can talk about an Australian working class, but you can’t talk about Australians as a class per se. That makes no sense. Same with gender.

    If one is not to consider nations as classes then what part of marxism would national liberation theory come from?

    It is about oppressed peoples in an colonised country fighting against imperialism, even if this means that the working class allies itself with the own bourgeoisie. But this does not create a class of its own. In the end the own bourgeoisie has to be fought as well.

    What of Engel’s Orgin of the Family with regards to gender (which has since been developed further)? Think about the consequences here if you do not think about them as classes.

    This book does not state genders as classes. It shows clearly what the origin of family is and how it is strongly connected to private property.

    This is not wild stuff. This is basic marxism. Otherwise you will end up with the likes of the ACP and Trots

    Definitely not, really. It is pretty clear, what a class is. You can’t call everything a class. That seems to be antagonising with something.

  • Please don’t push your self to hard and look after your health. Starting from when I was 16, I did a lot of things. I had some talent in composing music (various genre) and was quite active in playing guitar, I didn’t had a lot free time, because it was reserved for performing at gigs for three bands. I loved writing poems too, read a lot of books and somehow I managed to be highly invested in IT. Education was not a problem at all, school was easy.

    Youth can be a great thing, I tell you. Its not like that I am old now (I passed the 20s the last year), but today I can’t do this all. The problem is not even work or managing the household in addition, but somehow the energy is not there anymore. Being highly disabled is a reason of course too, but this not the reason for the trend regarding the decline of having energy.

    When I was 22 years old, I got the chance to buy the collected works of Lenin. The dude who selled it inherited all this from his recently deceased father, who was a member of the DKP. For 10€ more I got some books by Marx and Engels, a small part of the collected works of Marx and Engels, some Stalin, Ulbricht, Thälmann and protocols of SED meetings. The guy had no idea what he was selling. Together with the Lenin works it was 35€. And then I had the strength and energy to read the stuff somehow, I really devoured Lenin. Lenin is particularly easy to read.

    However, I didn’t take my limits seriously. Especially because I took into account what the communists of the time were doing at my age. You shouldn’t do that and it was a mistake I made. Over the next few years, I simply didn’t want to accept that I couldn’t do as much as I did when I was 17 or 18. It’s still frustrating now. But it was good that I used that time so much for all sorts of things. I just should have understood that you can’t maintain a level like that forever.

    Basically, I just want to say this: make the most of the opportunities you have now. When it comes to books, I can highly recommend reading Lenin. It’s a very good feeling to be able to pursue so many things, I remember that. But in any case, take good care of yourself and try to accept it if you can no longer maintain this level.

  • And yet your typical liberal won’t admit that western propaganda exists. When this all happened they were sure, that it is now over for RuZZia and Putler. Later some Analyst mentios now, that this move was quite risky, had maybe not that many benefits and will in history probably remember as “gamble”.

    Not only this alone, but also looking back in history how events were portrayed and communicated by state agencies and press and then how historians come to different conclusions, should give enough reasona to doubt a article from BBC or from minister from some country.

    Sometimes it looks like they are giving Russia, China and Arabs the fault for history not ending, how Fukuyama happily announced. Like those factors are the final obstacles to overcome for world peace and a moral integrity. Like playing Civilization VI, setting the winning year to 1990, winning in a certain category, now playing more rounds and then being annoyed, that world domination victory is now not working that simple.

  • The 90s were especially devastating for Ukraine. Remember Leonid Kutschma, the second Ukraine prime minister and later the second president? He was controlled by the Ukrainian mafia and even hat a Kryscha, if I remember right. Not only were Russia ruled by bandits, Ukraine had it much worse. The population suffered a lot and was robbed of it’s ressources. Now the US also wants a nice share of this ressources, while Russia is happy about the ressources in the east.

    Speaking about criminal syndicates. Ukrainian Mafia is of course not that happy that they lost control about a big chunk of territory and also the blockade of Odessa. Leading it all to the point that the ties to the russian mafia are now weakened. But of course there is still a way to make businesses, by smuggling weapons or helping young men to leave the country.

    But at least a Lenin statue was replaced with Darth Vader

  • OK. I know the pain of headaches and I am taking now opiates for few months now - it is not migraine but still sometimes with a weird feeling like aura or my right eye starts to tear. Strong Headaches, migraines included, can literally disable one person for a time and it is cruel pain. I wish you the very best and sincerely hope you’ll get the medicine you need. Shitty ppl behave like its their own money, if the don’t want to prescribe more expensive medication.

  • Who does not work, should not eat”. It makes sense if we talk about socialism, but in capitalism it is reactionary. This picture shows exactly that.

    Capitalist propaganda can be quite effective. I encountered people who really think that way. In Germany they talk now about forcing people to work, which receive welfare (Money if you are unemployed). You get offered jobs and if you decline one without an " acceptable " reasons, you will get far less money or ang money at all. So you are getting forced to work in even the worst work environment and worst pay.

    It is normal in other parts of the world, but the working class managed to archive many many things in Germany, especially better social security. Normally even discussing about such reactionary stuff would lead to a bad reaction from workers, unions and even from the SPD. But now it is getting more and more normal.

    It is dream for capitalist. Some users in reddit comments told me, that there is so much work to do in Germany and there is no reason to be unemployed. If you ask further, they are often struggling petite bourgeois, having a company with 50 workers or less. Of course the bourgeoisie appreciate it, the can save a lot of money. The perfect scenario would of course be having slaves, like in the third reich.

    Often it leaves a bad taste seeing how Germany starts again doing stuff they did in the past. Salami tactic.