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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024


  • You think she did what she did with a guy 3 times her age because he was charismatic? It’s because he was the president.

    Generally you would be right, but it seems Clinton really did have the kind of charisma to attract women almost unnaturally, long before he became the guy 3 times her age and a president.

    I feel like I’m rambling but there’s so many obvious ways this was problematic, and you’re still just fucking ok with it?

    No, just everything is relative, and some bad things are solved at the expense of other bad things.

    But the big deal was Bill lying under oath to Congress about it, and Dem politicians and voters closed ranks and said it didn’t matter.

    That’s what I said.

    There’s not really an excuse to not learn about it now, political literacy literally saves lives. We need more informed voters.

    LOL, I live in a country where most of the populace doesn’t understand what was wrong with mass repressions. They think some bad rich people were the majority of victims, and not typical Ukrainian and Siberian farmers. And of course they don’t understand that the government is not the property of its employees and politicians in power.

    You have a long way to fall to reach that. But all those idiots were sufficiently informed. They chose to believe something worse.

  • Infuriating. It’s like an oracle. Except in late antique literature you can see that nobody that firmly believed in what oracles say (that’d be disciples making notes according to some procedure kept secret, probably involving mind-affecting substances, but also mathematics - you can already see how this is similar to LLMs), it was like visiting a known attraction, interesting - wow, I’ve been at the Delphi oracle, I’ve received an advice there.

    And today those herds of unbelievable fools are less sane that that antique public.

  • State propaganda works by gaslighting you to think everyone around thinks some way, or at least a select set of people, and that you should adjust your behavior accordingly. It’s more complicated, some people are conformists, some are contrarians, but it works, there’s their own kind of working trap for everyone.

    But it still has efficiency that can be improved.

    With LLMs all your interactions are by default through such influence. They are averaging the bullshit, and information produced by them is fed to us all. That’s the opposite of what any talented or just useful person does, useful people try to increase the entropy, LLMs kill it.

    It’s a dream of thieves, bullies, useless people, politicians, that kind of crap.

    Basically “Us”, “1984” and whatever else has been written is being attempted via this tool. It’s not misdirected I think, but I also think it’ll fail, because evolution works in shorter feedback loops and those doing such things succeed in them, but fail in other directions which could use energy.

    OK, I should stop writing such texts, they repeat, don’t help with migraines, they are obvious and probably wrong.

  • When do we start suing makers of fortune cookies for lucky coincidences?


    I mean, the guy is right, because it’s advertised as “artificial intelligence”.

    Were it advertised as word salad generator, a Markovian chain grown big and scary, something in principle similar to programs for generation of fantasy language texts and spells and names (if someone remembers 00s good old web) for roleplaying, - then there would be no problem.

    But if to sell something better you lie what it is, and that lie has social consequences, you should get sued to freezing hot inferno with mustard-greased giant-cockroach-dildo-covered walls. You should also probably face criminal charges.