She gives an example of a day’s food to show how achievable it is to hit or exceed the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein: porridge with milk = 14g; tuna and sweetcorn sandwich = 26g; chicken breast with potatoes and veg = 35g; yoghurt pot = 5g; snack handful of nuts = 7g. This all adds up to 87g of protein – no supplements required.
“You don’t need to eat more protein, if you eat these foods that are high in protein every day”
I don’t eat a big piece of meat every day, and I don’t eat 150g of yoghurt every day, either. I did do the math, I’m often eating less than the recommended amout of protein. Granted, I avoid these foods for ethical reasons, so most of these added-protein foods don’t really change anything for me since the added protein tends to be animal-derived (e.g. whey).
They’re seperate issues IMO. It’s pretty easy to not meet daily protein recommendations if you’re on a low calourie diet, and being in a calourie deficit is the most important time to meet your protein recommendation (otherwise your body starts turning your muscle into calouries).