Another thread trying to encourage not voting/voting Republican.
Another thread trying to encourage not voting/voting Republican.
With the first one being ice bears?
Bides and Trump are 4 years apart.
Im just gonna let this sit here.
Wait. So did the 17 year old not want it or what is happening here?
Why are the comments here calling for rape or 20 years?
Wait. Hasn’t he a gofoundme going? If he is bragging about having the money already, what does he need the donations for. 🤔
But what do i know… I’m just a dumb European and the conservative Americans are so much smarter then me. They’ll def are correct in further donating for Don Poorleon. 👍
I really don’t understand the age argument. One is 81 and the other 77. Like am to to european to understand the logic of freedomlanders in criticizing Biden for his age??
I feel like even in your case it would make more sense to buy it on steam and use a steam deck.
But i get it and i want to be as enthusiastic about it as you seem to be. But my switch is also just catching dust. So is my ps5 tbf.
If i could redo my buys, i would 100% go for a steamdeck over the switch and a xbox s over the ps5. Not because it is better or has more games… just because the money saved would flow into the gamepass and i could use that on my PC too and still have a console to play with my wife once every 2 years. Also games for xbox are generally cheaper for w/e reason.
I cant stop myself from reading your comments in imqtiepies voice…
This is the most goated comment I’ve ever read in lemmy. Fucking based.
Wait, are some of you people really this naive? Did you guys actually believe 🍏 reasoning? They even started reasoning that way after getting caught.
“Hey guys, let’s slow down every iPhone substantially so the newest one looks incredibly fast (even tho we use nearly the same hardware), so buyers have more of a reason to buy the newest iPhone.” - basically planned obsolescence.
“Hey guys, let’s slow down every iPhone substantially (except the newest one for w/e reason), so that the life expectancy of every iPhone rises substantially and people don’t have to buy new iPhones in the years to come.”
Like c’mon guys.
deleted by creator
Im convinced im the only person in earth that hates rgb stuff.
Imagine there is a group that does everything in it’s power to block every positive change there could be.
Imagine further that the same group also does everything in it’s power to change every positive thing into a negative.
Now imagine that >48% of people vote for that group.
And finally imagine you in a place like that.
Honestly, unimaginable.
Storing data usage, personal ads, 21.99€ just to remove ads or a subscription model.
I’m a dev myself and I get that everyone needs to be compensated, but right now I have only one thought:
“You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.”
That’s not how it works—actually, that’s not how anything works. It’s not about doing the right thing; it’s all about what drives the most attention, clicks, or money.
There’s a reason every media outlet reports on every little thing the fat guy or this bozo does or says. There’s a reason you didn’t ignore this news and felt compelled to comment on it.
It’s the same reason 99% of these commenters have no idea who someone like Demis Hassabis is, was or will be: it doesn’t drive attention.