Vestager boss lady 💪
Vestager boss lady 💪
Totally agree. But the inclusion of multiplayer shows they are listening to feedback, as a large portion of the playerbase wanted to have that.
It’s not about cringe imo, more the point is that the comments don’t look real at all - it’s all bots
I like the discussion on nicotine, but yeah. Op’s “medical moment” seems unrelated to nicotine!
Sinfest was the bee’s knees. I still have 2 of the first printed comic books, treasure them and the memory of fun times with early sinfest. But it should have ended many years ago already, author ruined his legacy.
Stopped using reddit, started lemmy Switch chrome to firefox
Seeing many with these same ones, but that’s me!
Citation needed…
I believe you have to think a little more long term before submitting to the idea that “I can’t change anything”.
Can I change things in the next 1 hour? If you’re broke now, probably yes you will still be broke after 1 hour.
But that’s not how life works. We go to schools and develop ourselves in other ways, to have a better life 10 or 20 years later.
That’s an implausible take. Loyal employees wouldn’t go for such a ploy and disgruntled employees … well, conceivably would take such action on their on volition.
Tiedote oli tyypillistä pöhinäjargonia - OP ei valaissut lainkaan, mitä pilveen siirtyy ja milloin. Itsekin pitäisin kriittisen infran siirtoa pilveen huonona, mutta on vallan todennäköistä, että sellaista ei ole todellisuudessa suunnitteillakaan, vaan siirtyvät palvelut ovat jotain korttimaksuja (tai muuta maksunvälitystä) vähäpätöisempää.
Why do you care about downvotes? You sharing your opinion and perspective is what makes the platform better. Other people clicking an arrow means nothing :)
This is basically the solution. Just give a few words to explain that different servers can have some rules differences and offer the easy join button.
Get people onboarded fast and easy! If they want to, they can learn more afterwards.