because it’s falling apart and needs a lot of investment to renovate and make it habitable.
because it’s falling apart and needs a lot of investment to renovate and make it habitable.
any recommendations to get it to work remotely? the good thing about plex was it was easy to set up, but the quality was medicore.
The swiss government will do the same as always: Observe the situation. If it gets really crazy maybe we will send China a letter or have a talk about human rights (nothing public ofc). Unfortunately, our tibetan friends cannot expect more from our spineless government.
As a Swiss, I fully agree.
Reminds me of MattKC, a guy on YouTube who does similar stuff. He ported the .Net framework to win95. very interesting videos, if think this challenge would be exactly his type.
Switzerland, IT
Depends on the team. It’s not that uncommon in some occasions, for example on a friday, to have a beer when eating lunch in a restaurant.
Very common is the “Apero”-culture. Small festivities after work to celebrate something. Snacks, beer and wine are part of it. Sometimes this can also be during the day and people will continue to work after.
Maybe a flawed democracy at best and it’s getting worse every day. At least on federal level, I don’t much about states politics. Not really an expert but democracy can’t really work that well if you are stuck in a two party system. Having more choice would sure help against populists and autocrats.
Habt ihr ein Archiv in dem man auf alle alten Ausgaben zugreifen kann?
and goba cola goba cola
I have been saying it since the Russian attack on Ukraine: the only thing that effectively protects a country is nuclear deterrence.
Every country with unfriendly neighbors should seek nuclear weapons. This is the world in we live now. Many thanks to Russia and Vladimir Putin. And Trump is only accelerating this development.
Alcohol consumption has been declining in many Western countries for decades. But it seems that younger people also don’t go out that often anymore. Many clubs and bars struggle. I think it’s more health awareness and the prices. Why paying 15$ and more for a cocktail and feel shitty the next day?
I like alcohol but it’s definitely a good trend. I think we forget how much people were drinking back in the day. 20+ years ago it was normal to drive home trashed. And a few decades ago it was perfectly normal to put Schnaps in your morning coffee. And for example construction workers were drinking beer at the morning break at 9am (rural Switzerland).
one of my main criticism of lemmy is that there are too many posts which are just links to news articles. When I scroll by new I am pretty sure that nobody reads most of the articles shared anyways. And yes many are from some garbage news sites.
We need more content inside Lemmy not links.
In Switzerland big super markets have this with handscanners. You can also use the Supermarkt App and scan the stuff with your smartphone. When you leave you just checkout and payment is processed automatically if you have set it up or you can pay at a terminal. Sometimes they do random checks.
Ja klar, als hätten die Ukrainischen Cyberkräfte nichts besseres zu tun. Der Typ gehört in eine geschlossene Anstalt.
Maybe A Brief History of Humankind by Harari. It’s about how society changed and it’s a very interesting read. Also the other books of Harari have a lot of history in it. But it’s more from a social science points of view and not really classic history.
Imagine when they realize that he is in fact Jewish
They should stop releasing DLCs and start to fix the mess CS2. Who needs new parks when there are no people in the parks?
good luck finding any good developer who wants to be forced on site 5 days a week.