They as in Erdoğan and his lackeys. The remainder of the country couldn’t give less of a fuck.
They as in Erdoğan and his lackeys. The remainder of the country couldn’t give less of a fuck.
I play guitar and bass right handed. Especially for bass, it feels more natural to fret with my dominant hand and use the index and pluck with my right hand. That being said, I play fingerstyle most of the time and I’m not good with a pick, so playing leftie might be better for picking hand dexterity.
Broke: checking stockfish on the second monitor Woke: shoving it up your ass
What was the original? You wrote that it was Omega Haxors but your nickname is still omega_haxors.
You don’t need sudo, everything is already in Ring 0 as God intended.
I remember seeing this in at least one Linux distro (I think it was Bunsenlabs but I’m not sure, might be something like Kali but I never used that one) a few years ago, nowadays they just give the live account passwordless sudo and lock the root account unless you pick a password for it
How did you come to that conclusion? If you interpret “Don’t use Google” as “Use Bing” that’s more of a you problem. There are more than two search engines.
I remember running DaVinci resolve fine with Fedora ~2yrs ago.
The joke is how incels go “Ryan Gosling is literally me fr”
Yeah but consider the following: CUDA. I don’t even game that much (and I was okay with older games that can be played on a Ryzen APU) but I had to get a laptop with a 3050 for GPGPU shenanigans. It is definitely a downgrade in terms of Linux compatibility compared to my older laptop (the machine doesn’t go to sleep properly unless you are running Ubuntu 20.04, which I discovered accidentally)
Is it though? Last time I checked on a friend’s computer POSIX message queues were not available. They had to install Ubuntu to code their operating systems homework. Unless mqueue is not part of the POSIX specification, MacOS doesn’t seem POSIX compliant to me.
Expected from people thinking that there is a Linux Inc. with Torvalds as CEO that is responsible for every part of desktop Linux experience
I had a Zenfone 2 with an x86 processor, the miserable thing had to go through two motherboard repairs in 3 years. It was literally falling apart once I replaced it with my current phone. Also the battery life was crap and it overheated constantly.
You haven’t heard of tone wood?
I don’t think saying this with no proof whatsoever does anything other than make people who take SSRIs feel guilty about themselves. (Maybe it doesn’t, I just imagined my reaction if this said “stimulants” instead of “SSRIs”) (sorry about the tone if this comes off as confrontational)
Sounds like CBT alright