• 10 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024

  • I still strongly dislike a lot of the dynamics around them.

    They’re still privacy nightmares, they’re still running black-box software that’s not auditable and doing who the fuck knows what in the basebands, and they’re still covered in sensors running apps that are trying to scrape every byte of that data to profile you and sell that data to anyone who asks.

    But, ultimately, I was spending too much time trying to stand on a principle that wasn’t really doing anything (I still use computers, and the websites of most of the apps I was using before, and still having a huge amount of data ingested since I didn’t live in a cabin in the woods) other than making my own life more complicated and causing shit like missing invites to things because my phone just didn’t get the SMS, or resorted the arrival order, or failed to download a MMS message or whatever whereas everyone on a modern phone was like, fine.

    So I won’t say I’m all-in, or that I like them, or that I’ve even changed my mind that they’re little spy rectangles that are making us all stupid, but uh, too much in modern life is making the assumption you have one to completely unplug without losing an awful lot.

  • It’s just endless little things:

    • How do you do TOTP 2fa on a dumb phone? You really can’t.
    • I have to keep two copies of my media library, because the smart devices can play flac, and the dumb devices can’t
    • I also have to keep two copies of my audiobook library: the smart devices play from audiobookshelf, which wants single-file variants, and the dumb devices need to be split into small chunks
    • Zero access to any of the home automation stuff on the dumb devices
    • Dumb phones are limited to SMS and MMS, and that dramatically impacts your integration with people on smart devices using iMessage or RCS, and you’re basically that guy with the shit that’s fucking everything up for everyone else
    • Calendar sync? Nope.
    • Contact sync? Also nope.
    • E-mail? Good luck with that - if you’re expecting something important, carry your laptop.
    • Wifi hotspot? Not on the phone I had, so nevermind about carrying your laptop, won’t do you any good.
    • Voice mail? Sure, but good lord is ye olde dial-a-thing-and-hit-7-wait-no-8-damnit-i-mean-6 voicemail shit. Visual voicemail is 10000% less horrible

    Edit: Also:

    • T9 texting. I kinda got okay again at it but would not say it’s preferred anymore

    And on and on and on. None of those are dealbreakers on their own, but it’s always something that either you can’t do, or can’t quite do right, or is actively a problem for everyone else you’re interacting with and you just… end up with so many little annoyances you’re not sure doing this makes any sense.

  • So have you looked at using a N95 filter in a respirator?

    I don’t know if that’ll work for you, but they certainly stay in place much better than any mask, and there’s a wide variety of them that have the filter in various locations so maybe that’d be a better option?

    You look a little bit Fallout while wearing them, but they’re super comfortable for hours (because that’s how people who wear them use them), cheap to replace the filter when the time comes, and they seal spectacularly well and are easy to fit.

  • For some egg uses – baking

    Depending on what, exactly, you’re doing here you don’t necessarily need eggs.

    There’s a shocking amount of shit that’ll react the same was as eggs - the liquid from chickpeas, flaxseed, applesauce, banana, arrowroot powder, soy protien powder, even freaking tofu - in a lot of recipies, so it may be worth figuring out why eggs are in the recipie and find an alternative that’ll end up doing the same thing.

  • I wouldn’t argue with the dude; he’s got a clear case of bad-faith-itis. What you did was bad, so you shouldn’t have done it, but no I won’t tell you how to fix it.

    The absolute best you could have done is cross-posted to a Mastodon/Bluesky/whatever account as well, but you can’t just always go around yanking the rug out underneath communities especially if you’re in a position where it’s not just lazy shitposting and worthless commentary.

    …that said, you have moved anything you can to being posted somewhere in tandem riiiiiiight?

  • As with all things email, they probably really wanted to make sure that the mails were delivered and thus were using a commercial MTA to ensure that.

    I’d wager, even at 20 or 30 or 40k a year, that’s way less than it’d cost to host infra and have at least two if not three engineers available 24/7 to maintain critical infra.

    Looking at my mail, over the years I’ve gotten a couple hundred email from them around certificates and expirations (and other things), and if you assume there’s a couple million sites using these certs, I could easily see how you’d end up in a situation where this could scale in cost very very slowly, until it’s suddenly a major drain.

  • I logged in a few months ago to deal with something with my Quest, and holy shit.

    I didn’t follow many people, but every post was some AI generated sexy-single-in-my-area nonsense trying to convince me that I need to call them right now for the hot sex, or something.

    It was fucking bizarre and I’m utterly confused as to what in the hell is going on, since if they’re showing me that shit, you know they’re shoveling it at everyone too? Like, I cannot fathom why anyone would willingly put up with that shit for cat pictures or whtaever the hell boomers use it for.

  • Came here to follow up with this.

    I don’t care what magic beans my email provider wants to sell, at the end of the day they’re only able to do encryption within their own server which is pointless.

    Anyone who thinks email is not immediately plain-text when they hit the send button (because, frankly, it is) is suffering from some weird marketing-induced delusion, or just plain doesn’t understand that proton encrypting something, or SSL in transit is not going to do a single damn thing to improve security.

    Sure my copy of an email is all nice and secure, but the other copy of it almost certainly not, unless you use something like GPG to force the contents to be transmitted encrypted, and fucking nobody uses GPG outside of very limited situations.