There are still many nice places to visit in America, I would just avoid the US.
There are still many nice places to visit in America, I would just avoid the US.
Welche Strategie würdest du stattdessen empfehlen?
If you are used to your custom tiling window manager, you are less productive on Windows. Additionally, you have an increased anger level due to all the Windows annoyances.
They have core boot, which is a big plus, but the hardware itself is not open source.
You can also buy it second hand or get an older version for less money and upgrade later.
The upgradability and reparability is also a cost saving factor on the longer run. I broke the screen once and instead of buying a new laptop or have a costly repair, I just got a replacement for 200 bucks and fixed it easily myself.
Out of the box battery was not great for the 11th gen, but with the correct settings I get 0.4-0.5% drain/h in standby.
Revolut still works well on CalyxOS.
Thanks a lot!
I also seperate Firefox on different workspaces, but only manually. How is the extension called? Having it automated would save me some seconds every reboot.
There is Alovoa which is open source. By lucky happenstance I met my wife there 2 years ago, since we both were into open source.
The userbase was very small though back then, didn’t know if it improved now.
I use 4 different European banking apps without issues on CalyxOS.
The article doesn’t mention neutron stars. Those exotic particles need very high energies like shortly after the big bang.
Onlyoffice by default comes as standalone local application suite and is not based on LibreOffice. It looks more modern/intuitive, but is less powerfull and feature rich than LibreOffice.
There is Tridactyl for Firefox, which let’s you use Firefox sithout a mouse and is actively developed.
Hi OP, I am in a similar situation as you were so I wonder which solution you chose at the end and if you are happy with it?
Is there a link missing?
I recently migrated from Github to Codeberg and it was super easy. You can also backup your code automatically from Codeberg to Github just in case.
What do I make up? I guess what the uncertainty could be and saying that they shouldn’t give such a precise number, if it’s in reality not that precise.
The uncertainty of this number is probably at least 1%, more likely 2 to 3%. Giving this number with 2 digits precision makes no sense.
US != America
America contains the two continents South and North America