I really wanted to make a neopets-esque online game but went down the route if a crime game instead. Would love for them to have a proper comeback and see what they do
I really wanted to make a neopets-esque online game but went down the route if a crime game instead. Would love for them to have a proper comeback and see what they do
Just installed this yesterday as a dual-boot. For the most part I’m enjoying it so far, had a few issues before I updated the kernel including no sound but managed to fix that.
Now the only annoyance is that I remote into a Windows 10 work Pc on a multi-nonitor setup, unfortunately Remmina just doesn’t handle zoom on a single display well at all and scales every monitor, so have had to start trying to get used to a lower zoom level on my bigger monitor.
I’ve recently decided to get all the achievements for Skyrim which led to me finally completing the main quest (which I felt was shorter than many of the side missions like the college etc) and been enjoying it massively. It gives a bit of direction to a game where there’s also something else to be achieved.
It was meant to be a spoof in that it was so on the nose was it not? I enjoyed it with that lense