Workers are being exploited??!? Quickly, someone write this down!
Workers are being exploited??!? Quickly, someone write this down!
Some of their stuff does :( But they’re still 90% better in that regard
The sick thing is that this was clearly never an actual objective, otherwise he would’ve done it years ago. If the Democrats had won, he wouldn’t bother.
This is just posturing so he can argue he proved the left wrong.
I’m not saying the stats are necessarily wrong, but why do the numbers say the US is suddenly using like 300TWH less energy while China is using 2PWH more? Is that true? I think total consumption of energy generation types per capita is also likely a more revealing graph.
Waiting for seeders is definitely a thing, I once waited 8 months for a seeder to show up (and they did!)
For sure, and it’s a chill question. Unlike the other comment, I totally celebrate your fucking about with settings you don’t understand, it’s great. I’ve practically made a career of it myself :D
This is normal. This is a topic with a lot of complexities if you drill down into the details and history, but the tl;dr is certain system processes and other programs will preferably write data to swap because it’s so infrequently needed, and avoids massive slowdown if swap is needed, eg RAM filling, hibernation.
If you’re absolutely sure you’ll never exceed 32gb of RAM usage, you can turn the swap off. But you’re unlikely to notice a performance boost, Linux does (largely) know what it’s doing, moreso than you or I.
The TankieTanuki link is a good place to start to learn more if you really want to tweak it.
Putin’s vicious anti democratic genocidal land grab given to oligarchs Our glorious not-quite-elected Nazi-supporting coup acceding to western ownership and bought by major investors
There’s so much incredible modern medicine that has absolutely no downsides or side effects for 99.99% of the population
This is just wrong to the point of being harmful misinformation.
Vaccines are probably the most amazing medicine, but they have (usually minor) side effects for basically everyone. I’m not aware of any medicine that doesn’t.
How does this still happen? Emergency stop buttons are cheap, plentiful, and usually legally required.
What, no rankine?
The workers did collective bargaining and the bourgeois class found a way to fuck up the industry a new way. That is not the fault of writers, they are fellow proles, however well paid they are or aren’t.
Blame the victims if you like, but the only alternative is bootlicking.
Diagnosing networking issues, short bash/python scripts of any and all purposes, gdb debugging, finding and learning how to use appropriate libraries, are most of my use cases. It’s not a one-and-done either, I often have to ask it to explain, or fix a broken aspect, or Google the documentation and try again, etc.
I feel like a broken record saying this. But AI frequently does solve coding problems for me that would’ve taken hours. It can’t solve everything, and can’t handle large amounts, but it can be genuinely useful.
This is not my experience
True, but they’re also rigged in about five different ways to specifically not explode. And then about five more ways to breach and off-gas instead of blowing up.
You’d have to make major adjustments to actually have one violently explode. To the point where you’re just making a pipe bomb.
Radius is hard to say, they were like a tenth of a frag grenade (complete with the frag of batteries and pager bits.) Enough to blow a hole in a plane for sure.
I would know this as tmux, is there a difference?
This is too generous honestly, they basically Blairites, ie the left wing of the right wing. Officially opposed corbyn and all
100% remains an overstatement- 90% plausibly. But I continue to argue that AI significantly helps me practically with coding, debugging, and learning stuff.