Man, the uk sucks
Man, the uk sucks
Nah, your time is off; the split point was the Dems throwing Bernie under the bus.
If Russia were careful to avoid breaking treaties and laws, then sure people could procedurally bullshit all they like, but Russia broke away from all of that already. If they’re not bound by anytime they aren’t protected by anything.
We knew before he started giving away state secrets too, he’s always had very strong ties to Russia.
No fucking shit, he’s been confirmed as such for the better part of a decade.
In the social structure, or what passes for one, of the maggat, independent existence is considered a grave offense. As long as anything exists outside of the self the creature will fly into a rage.
Runs fine for me, and my pc isn’t even that powerful
Because communism has literally never been implemented.
Pokemon fans are some of the dumbest people in fandom. They will take bottom tier slop with a smile and get upset when you suggest that maybe the highest grossing franchise in human history should maybe do a little bit better. The reborn lineage of games is the only thing keeping me from abandoning the franchise entirely.
No? The first few generations were behind the curve even then.
Once again, objectively incorrect. Communism is an economic and political system where the workers own the means of production and no larger state exists.
If I’m wearing a leash i want it to be stylish and truthful, none of this corpo garbage
That was quick
And he’s out right attacking the agencies that would prevent such a righteous act as well, so i imagine the odds of success are only going to go up.
And the most broken, fucked up people act like they are vaguely ‘stronger’ because of it.
You are awesome and cute and smart and valid
We all know it’s the sorority girls who hand out the estrogen 😤
It objectively isn’t
Understanding is all well and good, and the local elite absolutely do not understand most of America is practically a third world country, but that doesn’t excuse the animals. The rural way of life is dying is because it’s objectively awful and always has been. These animals want to drag the world into a dark age so everyone can die as alone, repressed, cowardly, and sad as they are.
I have spent my entire life in a rural shit hole, i can say from experience accepting their bullshit is a choice each and every one of them made. Yes we need to do something, preferably simply making it impossible to live in these dying dead end villages, but sympathy is off the table.