The blog post in their forums is titled “Freemium Experience: More Features for All”.
Also, they quietly doubled the price for VIP accounts in September (used to be $30/y)
It’s a path inside the container, but not inside /config
. You should mount the file like this:
- /path/to/local/theme.css:/jellyfin/jellyfin-web/theme.css
You should put it in Jellyfin web’s root folder (paths are relative to it). In the official container it’s /jellyfin/jellyfin-web
Then you just @import "theme.css";
Nobody mentioned it, so it’s either really obscure or way too obvious, but: Nirvana (1997).
A game developer finds out that the main character in his next title has become sentient and must save him from endless suffering by deleting all copies of the game shortly before it launches. I saw it many years ago, and really liked it. It hasn’t aged perfectly, but all the important cyberpunk bits are there.
It is not different from how the previous shared libraries worked. I guess it’s there to stop cheaters from buying a single copy of the game and sharing it with throwaway accounts.
And Mike!
Romero’s Night of the Living Dead is in the public domain as well.
You can find it in the Internet Archive here:
Mandatory link to Rhabarberbarbara
It could be an issue with the codecs (browsers are usually pretty limited in what they support). You could try to use a client like Jellyfin Media Player instead. It bundles libmpv, so it plays almost any video format there is.
Since you are sharing anecdotes, let me join.
For me FF has always been extremely stable, and I too regularly keep 100+ tabs open, on much more limited system resources. It is so stable that I’ve completely disabled history saving, and if there is something I want to read later I just keep the tab open. Never had an issue.
Tree Style Tabs also pushed me to have many tabs, because now I can actually organize those that I’ve opened and find them later.
From their “Firefox name FAQ”:
A “Firefox” is another name for the red panda.
Honestly, I don’t even remember. It was something to do with minor differences in the cursor movements of specific commands.
Anyway, it’s been years, anything may have changed in the meantime. I should probably give it another go, those were simple nitpicks that I was too impatient to tolerate.
have to be relatively fluent in Vimscript to pull that off
I don’t think so, using ALE just requires to install the plugin and the external programs that it will interrogate. I know almost nothing about Vimscript.
thoughts regarding Vimscript
From what I’ve seen it’s a scripting language like any other, but one that is extremely specific to vim. The syntax is also quite different from anything else, so I never felt the need to learn it.
As a general concept, it seems a good idea, I also know Lua so it would seem to be a logical switch for me.
However, during these years every time I tried it it had some slight differences from vim that made using it somewhat annoying. Moreover, it never seemed to provide such a better experience that made me switch permanently. I’d like to like it, but I never had a reason to.
I’m a bit surprised that no-one mentioned ALE. If you want to turn vim into an IDE it goes a long way.
Having the compiler warnings/errors inside the buffer is already really useful, but then you can also add LSPs and there isn’t really much missing. I’ve recently developed a Java program entirely in vim using Eclipse’s LSP.
Have you tried enabling HLS in “Audio and video”? It solved the issue for me (using the official instance).
You should put some quotes where you use the array:
not_what_you_think=( "a b" "c" "d" )
for sneaky in "${not_what_you_think[@]}"; do
echo "This is sneaky: ${sneaky}"
This is sneaky: a b
This is sneaky: c
This is sneaky: d
I haven’t used Ubuntu since the pre-snap era, but from discussions online I think that every program is stored in a different squashfs that is mounted at boot.
So the cursor really was darker! It seemed that way after switching to a new laptop, but I wasn’t sure.
I decided to disable it because it removed some team communication from the game, which for me is part of the fun.
I agree with you about the API, it seems to be one of the first things to go.
Though, killing it would be expecially dumb in this case, as it is what made trakt famous in the first place. It’s really useful to have a scrobbler for every major service, and I use it for a dumb side project.
I’d really like to know what else they think they are adding with their service that is worth $60/year. The data comes from tmdb, the trailers are youtube links, reviews and lists are created by users (when they are allowed to). Sure, they package it all together, but I wouldn’t call the website a masterpiece of neither form or function.
I hope that the current backlash will make them (temporarily) revert the change, but this is still a clear signal of the path they are willing to take. I’ll be looking for other services.