In high school I did a mandatory tour of our local correctional facility for some kind of scare the kids straight scheme. We got to see how similar the walls and food was to ours. It seemed that the only difference was having hope and freedom.
In high school I did a mandatory tour of our local correctional facility for some kind of scare the kids straight scheme. We got to see how similar the walls and food was to ours. It seemed that the only difference was having hope and freedom.
wait. your memes aren’t gibberish?
it’s where the power is stored
I worked at a hobby lobby briefly and they expect so much more loss than another retail store I’ve worked at. Also, their refusal to implement digital stock keeping in the 21st century at that scale didn’t help.
Gaslight Obscure Project, GOP.
Ubisoft is that one guy what said something funny once and made that joke their whole personality.
Jokes on him, I quit before it was Meta.
A full bench!? I miss benches that made sense instead of the hostile architecture ones popping up.
I’m surprised there hasn’t been a revival of an AI Jeeves.
One of the many benefits of being peoples caffeine dealer.
A local ‘the end is high’ sign man had changed his tune as soon the election result hit. He had handwritten signs spelling out the doom America is headed towards and how the healthcare system (Obama care) has fucked him over covering every panel of his '90s chevy. After Nov. it’s all good, no doom here we are headed in to a new golden era or whatever. About a week later someone took all of his new signs. Haven’t seen him since but his tape stained truck is still sitting there. I hope he took the opportunity to move on but after talking to him briefly in the summer that probably will never be the case.
I would agree if I was delinquent and didn’t notify them. I have been very verbose and upfront with my situation which is required in the contract. I thought I had good report with them and this is the first month i have been late. They have decided to serve a legal notice for a first time offense past the period stated in the contract which I think is overkill but that just might be a delusional opinion.
Why develop and create something in a vacuum when you can beta test it on everyone.
My landlord sends me a legal 14-day notice to pay or leave the day after my graceperiod(first of the month to the fifth) before my first paycheck of the month. This is en lieu of a simple email or phonecall. They communicate with legal threats even though I clue them in on months that would be difficult. The valuation went up on the property recently and I am halfway though a one year lease. They want to increase the rent again but can’t do it without improvements and a new tenant.
How would debt play into this? Would that be factored as a discount on the time served or increase it?
Drivers in my city liberally use the bike lane as an impromptu turn lane, especially if another car is behind them even more if a bike is in the lane.
It was set when perscribed, then my doctor retired and left me with the device and no real guidance or continuation. This was back in 2020-21 and I havent used it since. Also the unit was recalled for having insulation find its way into the airway.
I spent a bunch of time in art classes and learned more practical chemical safety and disposal than my actual chemistry classes.