The claim that the Soviet government deliberately starved their people was first published in 18 August, 1933 the Völkischer Beobachter, a newspaper organ of the Nazi Party.[9] This was reproduced in a 6 August, 1934 publication in the British tabloid London Daily Express,[10] and in several articles published since 18 February, 1935 by the Statesian newspapers Chicago American and New York Evening Journal, both owned by corporate press magnate William Rudolph Hearst,[11] the founder of sensationalist yellow journalism. By the time these articles were published, there were already no longer signs of famine in the USSR. These newspapers used fabrications to illustrate their articles by using photographs from a past famine in the Soviet Union caused by the Russian Civil War.
Can’t acknowledge their over profiteering (loot) from war so, it’s cheaper in Russia coz of ignoring safety standards bullshit.
US is fucked, more because it’s been completely sold to it’s ruling class that will let it bleed to death out of greed and for profit if it is ever in a war with Chinese or Russian state.
So first of all American liberals must try to wage and win a war with their real daddies (ruling class) first, before they should even think of going for the one with Russians or Chinese.
Probably that’s why they choose proxy wars now. Because historically they have lost each and every single direct war that their daddies waged and now they are setting the precedent in proxy ones too.