@PamCrossland @theinspectorst @i_am_not_a_robot @Syldon @jonne
And then taking another bite and blocking again.
A left-angled trapezoid on the graph of political philosophies, apply me no labels.
Other descriptions might include an Architect at Large, occasionally writing complete fiction but mostly working on zettel.io
Some interests, obsessions.
#history, #archaeology, #literature, #genre_fiction, #constitution, #politics, #ethics, #technology, #systems_architecture, #eng_mgmt, #scalability, #platform_engineering, #zettelKasten
Early #cixen early #TennerAMonth
@PamCrossland @theinspectorst @i_am_not_a_robot @Syldon @jonne
And then taking another bite and blocking again.
@PamCrossland @theinspectorst @i_am_not_a_robot @Syldon @jonne
I guess blocking is as good a comment on the argument as any other.
@PamCrossland @theinspectorst @i_am_not_a_robot @Syldon @jonne
That doesn’t make any sense at all. Is a sub-constituency going to send an MP? If so then it’s a constituency, but if the votes are an aggregation just to benefit a political party then it destroys the idea of an MP and constituencies.
It you think democracy is about fairness in results then you don’t understand what democracy is. An election is not an opinion poll, it’s a decision.
@theinspectorst @i_am_not_a_robot @Syldon @jonne @PamCrossland
Well not if there are multiple outcomes.
In the London Mayoral elections sufficient put their first choice as Lord Bucket and their second the future mayor. This was after a specific campaign to save Lord Bucket’s deposit and ‘defeat’ the right wing candidate.
That’s perfectly fine, but two outcomes so not a single vote.
@PamCrossland @theinspectorst @i_am_not_a_robot @Syldon @jonne
That’s not electing to a parliament, what are these sub constituencies, how do votes in a particular area count, if they’re separate then why combine them?
@PamCrossland @theinspectorst @i_am_not_a_robot @Syldon @jonne
It can’t be proportional and the existing level of constitutional representation without going to over 2000 MPs. PR in a Parliamentary system wrecks one person one vote for one candidate in a constituency.
Be careful what you wish for.
@theinspectorst @i_am_not_a_robot @Syldon @jonne
You can’t translate it into UK terms, there’s around 4M voters in Ireland, 41M in the UK across 4 countries with greater disparity in density of populations and geographical size.
The average size of constituencies is 73k, so you agree with me that the future size would be around 250k. How is that local representation to a National Parliament?
There would have to be party lists to fudge it into a general proportional result across the Union.
@theinspectorst @i_am_not_a_robot @Syldon @jonne
Neither are proportional. If STV was used as multimember then constituencies would have around quarter of a million voters instead of 90k and parties would get list candidates, either regional, national or UK wide and they wouldn’t be elected by anyone.
Things not talked about by PR promoters.
I’m all for random, Lords for a year for random picks over 55 years of age is very attractive.