No cloth diapers in Canada?
No cloth diapers in Canada?
I rewatched it a couple months ago for the first time since it originally aired. Morrow bugged me more than he had originally, aside from that it is still such a great series.
The “It’s just another Tuesday” part always hit me in the gut.
It doesn’t seem like people are really aware that the coup was successful this time. All the shit we are seeing is just fallout from that.
Interesting how you skipped over the BLM protests, which were literally 100 times larger than the Women’s March, and resulted in significant changes to the exact thing they were protesting
^ that was what I was responding to. Context matters.
I guess taking over Tibet and the ongoing Uyghur genocide just don’t matter.
I’m honestly just kind of surprised they are even having press conferences after giving up on them the first time around.
That’s a long way to say not much has changed. BLM may have improved things, or maybe just the reporting changed. Or maybe something else. I don’t know. There are so many foundational level problems in this country, and I hear nobody talking about them. Social sicknesses that lead to so many symptoms, including, but certainly not limited to, both police violence and magat voters. I’ve been voting for progressives in primaries, walking precincts, engaging with conservatives (back when they existed) for several decades now, and I’ve just watched shit get worse and worse. My time is over, I’m leaving my gloves in the ring, and turning into a full-time spectator now. Good luck.
I stopped sitting in on interviews at my old job. Everyone that I thought was a great interview ended up being a shitty employee.
I didn’t realize police stopped shooting black people. Also, the media’s fucked up coverage on the BLM protests had a big impact on ignorant troglodytes supporting fuckhead trump this time around.
I didn’t say protest, I said strike.
Well, you didn’t, and the post is about a protest. But your point is a good one.
I’ve heard that about redheads, but never about black people.
Man, I don’t want to see Donkeys being blown up. Fucking Russia. Just go away.
Yeah, but most of those don’t have Congressional level health coverage.
The Women’s March on January 21, 2017 was one of the biggest protests in US History. It did jack all. The US gov’t has been taken over by anti-Consititutional, anti-American, anti-law Republicans at all 3 branches. Going to a protest has about the same impact as typing outrage on Lemmy. It’s not pessimism, it’s reality. Until masses are seriously prepared to get violent, we are fucked. Personally I’m just getting the fuck out and watch it implode into Gilead.
I just plugged in my state capital into my driving app. It says it will take 6 hours and 51 minutes one-way. Yeah, I can’t even afford the gas for that. So I checked public transportation and it said 12 hours one-way and one of the three tickets I’d have to buy was $100. Your tldr is spot on.
I just can’t engage because for some reason in righty’s mind, liberal == progressive. Like, for them also, fascism == communist. It’s just a complete failure to agree on basic, high school level definitions.
.ml is awful, but you’ll find a lot of those knee jerk purity types spread all over the lemmyverse.