Schade, dass es closes source ist und direkt personalisierte Werbung angeboten bekommt. Dazu hab ich Reddit nicht verlassen.
Schade, dass es closes source ist und direkt personalisierte Werbung angeboten bekommt. Dazu hab ich Reddit nicht verlassen.
Nur mal so als weitere Inspiration:
This does not sound legal. What country are we talking about?
Ich frage mich, wer das versichert?
Ich hoffe das war nicht das letzte Mal, dass wir davon hören. Klingt fast zu schön um praktisch umsetzbar zu sein…
Die Almeria und die Florica sind ja schon auf dem Rückweg. Und Russlands Begründung für die Blockade ergibt in diese Richtung ja noch weniger Sinn. Glaube eher, dass das ein Bluff war, da ihnen Mittel und Wille zur Durchsetzung fehlen.
I agree about the zoom buttons. But the rest looks quite handy. Changing orientation and (un)muting took too much interaction and therefore attention.
The post title contradicts the abstract. Gboard does not transmit the content “only” telemetry data.
This look more and more like a speedrun on how to bring down a well established platform in under a year.
Classic Stalin
Happy KeepassXC User reporting and there actually is a browser plugin that works flawlessly.
Why wasn’t there an info on /lemmy-world.statuspage.io ?
Nice example for borrowings! I was thinking about this in the context of learning a new language.
Imho schools put way too much emphasis on the grammar vs the vocabulary. At least that’s what I experienced in three different countries, where you would learn 4 different past tenses but not be able to use any of it because you’re missing the vocabulary.
Being able to say “Where restaurant/hospital/train station?” is much more helpful than being able to just say “Where is the restaurant?”. So I guess my argument applies to learning new languages, where I think vocabulary is the more decisive factor but I agree that in it’s essence a languages grammar counts more.
I get the analogy but don’t agree with the reasoning. Or maybe it depends on the circumstance. But for foreign languages I would suggest it’s the other way round: The fur (grammar/prononciation) might look (sound) nice, but it’s the vocabulary that bring the actual meaning to whatever you say.
Did you author any other standards and how high is the chance of a proposal being approved if you don’t have any accepted proposal yet?
At least it’s straight out of Erdogans playbook
Am I getting this correct: the whole lemmy.world instance run in one single container on one single host?
Angry upvote