Pharmaceutical companies were given leave to perform their own safety studies and to advertise directly to consumers
Pharmaceutical companies were given leave to perform their own safety studies and to advertise directly to consumers
NASA thought that warnings about O rings from it engineers were overblown and sensationalistic.
The Warner Brothers thought George Lucas’s idea for a space movie was a crock of shit
The Democratic National Committee decided to sabotage Bernie Sander’s candidacy.
The Wachovski sisters decided to make a 4th Matrix movie.
The Recording Industry Ass. Of America sued 35,000 of its customers.
Coca Cola attempted to sell soda without artificial colouring.
Trump said COVID would vanish in 2 weeks
Steve Balmer said the iPhone would go nowhere.
Cadbury replaced quality ingredients in their chocolate with palm oil.
Yet a few more “bad apples”
This is Privacy, not Jokes
Maybe it’s ya mom?
Who TF uses RSS agravators these days?
You won’t find help for that here detective. We are upstanding individuals who value the hard work of individuals.
Who else is celebrating the great global cook-off this week?
A privacy nightmare
You’re just jealous that Bernie’s got a hot babe.
AFAIK they haven’t. Which is a shame cuz I’d love to play it.
Where can I get more info on this? I’m comfortable with CSS and stylesheets but don’t want to discern all the classes and IDs myself