More like see-THRU-PO, amirite?
Also no one is saying nothing so I assume someone is saying something about these nutsacks
Sounds like she’s a big meanie
…drive me
I see you
Love his law blog
Keep spinning, pal
Apparently it was worth 1 pound and 1 shilling
Well he got a mouthwash named after him, there’s always that
All the
Keep talking…
Why did that make me feel so nostalgic?
Thank you for this
Go away, I’m Batin’
I was always fond of the video for by Cibo Matto. Didn’t necessarily care for the song, but the video was directed by Michel Gondry.
You just blew mind
I see what you did there
Isn’t it the training of the models which is the most energy intensive? whereas generating some text in answer to a question is probably not super intensive. Caveat: I know nothing