Guess we’ll know which 24 because the article didn’t do the due diligence for a graph, a list, a graphic, anything.
Guess we’ll know which 24 because the article didn’t do the due diligence for a graph, a list, a graphic, anything.
They likely have an algo running to do this just like how they offer random coupons to entice you to buy items in your cart, and all the other tricks around shipping manipulation.
.Trash-999 was already taken by a metal band.
Metadata that’s a holdover from the 1980s MacOS behavior. Hilariously, today, NTFS supports that metadata better than Apple’s own filesystems of today. They can hide it in Alternate Data Streams.
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE
Helps a bit.
Airbag will likely severely damage you at the distance that puts your face at among other potential reproductive issues.
deleted by creator
Had a friend’s dead parent receive a text from the ambulance service asking how they did.
KPM surveys need to go away forever.
Almost like yet again the tech industry is run by lemming CEOs chasing the latest moss to eat.
It helps to be a little bit stubborn, but mostly, remind yourself it’s just software at the end of the day too. So many devs are judgy and think there is only one “good” way to solve a problem, which ends up creating a sort of tunnel vision. As soon as you let that go and just know that every problem could have any solution, especially the unexpected, you see your way through faster.
It doesn’t matter if the way it was working is “right” or not, it was working, for reasons, so fixing it, is just teasing out those reasons. Be it from humans that may still be around, but most of the time, by feeling the code out.
I even see the struggle externally from afar when companies I used to work at release a new feature that touches very legacy code and, time and again, the new feature is buggy AF. The new dev likely had no idea what the old dev was thinking or why, and thusly, breakage. Neither of them is right or wrong, the solution from the past likely was obscure due to constraints that no longer exist, the new solution can be done easier due to a plethora of libraries that now exist, and getting newEasy to jive with oldBespoke trips the new dev up as they unravel what looks like pure chaos.
One of many terrible things you can read on that terrible sub-human.
Everything being done right now is a social contract between the administration and media. Report my stuff, I’ll keep doing stuff worthy of reporting. Bad precedent.
A country that didn’t truly exist in its current form until 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell and two differently-governed landmasses were joined again, and unified Democratic governance began. (Counting territory, governance, name, culture as the usual delineations of what makes a nation.)
Deutschland is a Millennial. The heritage: avocado schnitzel.
“Vigilante” justice is built into the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution in the case of tyrants.
It’s common in Denver metro restaurants to not only expect a 20% tip, they’ll sometimes sneak a tip in and then not tell you so you tip twice. Others bake in random restaurant fees that they claim go to the kitchen staff, but even if that were true, why not just raise your prices instead of lying to the customer?
Best one, the state passed a law allowing businesses to charge a different price for using credit cards, (they called it a “fee”) with the caveat that the restaurant/business has to post somewhere that they do it. Often, a tiny sign near their register you’ll never walk up to or pass by because they take your card and whisk it away to the machine. I was at one place where they charge the credit card fee by default and you have to be aware of it to ask them to remove it, otherwise they’ll charge you the credit card fee when paying cash by default. That particular “establishment” also whisked your cash into a back room to make change, as they figure everyone’s going to pay with card, so why have a till at the register? Better be fast at counting change in your head to make sure they gave you the right amount of money back.
Unless you do your research, read reviews, and ask up front about how pricing works, chances are you will always be surprised and charged more. About the only restaurants safe from this nonsense is the big chain restaurants, which means people will either frequent them to not get fleeced, not notice or care, or, like myself, stop eating out almost entirely.
Other notables I’ve observed:
I worked at a company that made electronic devices and the diversity of the teams made it so we caught so many glitches white people would have missed before shipping. Sensors that didn’t work right because skin color or makeup. Things that even TurboHitler would have been annoyed at.
It’s illogical and short-sightedly dumb to forfeit knowledge and skill from any shape, size, color, or orientation of a human.
Haters won’t learn, I fear, until they’re truly marginalized as well.
Honestly, the best kind of “survive but strike” would literally be to buy the bare minimum everything. I’ve already started myself. Cancel streaming services, get a cheap $20/mon cell phone plan, downgrade to the cheapest Internet connection, drive less to buy less gas. Everyone do everything in their power to spend as little as possible, collectively, across the entire country. That punches those shits in the “economy” while collectively we still mostly survive. It also means you will have a surplus of money to save up, or pay down debts faster.
The one thing to truly make this succeed, however, is an advertising campaign to let them know we are all doing it. Billboards, ads on every DC TV/radio/stream/podcast, robocalls and emails to every government official that this won’t stop until they get their heads out of their collective asses. That part would take some capital.
The best part of the advertising campaign is it’s basically reverse-propaganda. As more people see it, more people will start doing it.
Edit: The propaganda should be designed to look like the US propaganda from WWII like “buy wisely - cook carefully - eat it all” to enhance the gravity of the situation.
If that doesn’t work, and it comes down to full-on fascism, it isn’t going to matter if your family has a home or not, because we’re all collectively fucked.
They’ve always been two sides of the same oligarch sandwich. The mask is just finally off. There are one or two good eggs like Bernie or Warren to make the party look good, but Dems are just shitty oligarchs that pretend to care while profiting just the same. Oil production was up under Biden, Harris loved fracking in her campaign, Pelosi rolled her eyes during a Biden State of the Union when he mentioned going after big business, it’s all just lies and bullshit for profit from both parties.
Sucks really, I genuinely thought they were the party of “Good” myself, or at least mostly good-adjacent by comparison, and worth fighting for to have a chance at functioning governance. The last 25 years have shown that was not really ever the case.
Have you seen the web lately?