Vermont. Constitution carry laws are as lax as they get and its Bernie Sanders home state.
Vermont. Constitution carry laws are as lax as they get and its Bernie Sanders home state.
They don’t tend to acknowledge or believe trans men exist anyway. It’s not on their radar.
Because the only meaningful political move for Republicans today is to follow Trump. If they push back they get cut from the pack and lose support.
They also make you show up to a US embassy and tell the American flag you don’t want to be friends anymore.
(only half kidding)
Stupid college kids mostly. The smaller people in the crowd (particularly women) just got hauled into the air by the excited crowd. Wasn’t great.
I was at a concert once where they had the band actually stop the show to tell people to stop crowd surfing because nine had already gone to the hospital.
Which was good on them because random people were being lifted into the air and thrown on the floor, whether they wanted to be or not.
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I misread this as “Finnish Leopard”
And spent way too long trying to spot a snow leopard hiding in it…
Ah yes, I certainly couldn’t have understood that without shopping and swimwear discount sales analogies.
Get those bikini tops half off boys! First sale! WOO
I never trust meta statistics anymore because you know they’re filling out their “numbers” with bots to try and keep their stock prices up.
In terms of real users I bet bluesky has already surpassed them.
My understanding is that existing passports remain valid but you will have problems renewing, updating or replacing a lost passport. Keep it very safe.
You might also run into issues if a zealous border agent clocks you while examining a passport. So limiting crossings to reduce your risk. They don’t legally have a right to stop you over this (as best I’m aware) but with the law being so in flux there’s no guarantee.
If you have the means to get out I’d get out while it’s still valid. I worry about them going further to try and retroactively invalidate which would be like putting everyone on a no fly list.
Well, I guess I’m not ashamed of doing what I did, more the relationship in retrospect but that’s way more than the internet needs to know haha
I’d still find it pretty hot for my partner to ask me to do that while he keeps doing something else.
He was playing call of duty. Not my proudest moment.
This is what you get when your customer service is trained on millions of lines of furry porn.
Incredible. I still can’t believe companies have release this shit to the public.
Next pride month is going to be super awkard
All of the above until the left can reformat the democrats like the tea party reformatted the Republicans.
Getting this email is career goals
Your daughter sounds awesome.
Not buying teslas will become actually illegal if anyone points out it’s not actually illegal. Mandatory Patriotism Teslas for all Americans.