Bang has 300
Bang has 300
Even most of the extremely rich aren’t effected by this, if you calculate it out you need over 31,000,000 dollars before the lowest bracket kicks in.
are you joking, basically all of modern society has a vested interest in people not believing it.
they also have admitted to only announcing the most optimistic results because nobody would believe them if they didn’t, and if people did it would be devastating
oop sorry
How the fuck was that channel able to recover from the “I want mommy, I want milk, I want to be held” meme
My 11 year old brother learned what rule34 was from Roblox staff because he tried to upload a model for a game he was making, and they denied it and said it was “rule34” when he asked why. The model was literally a cat
Not even going to mention Madagascar Kartz, which also had Shrek and B.O.B. from Monsters vs Aliens?
Phoenician pro-tip: if you use a letter for each individual sound instead of one for every word, it makes for a more efficient writing system. Also DO NOT fuck with the Romans or random weirdo desert tribes they will murder you without mercy.
oh god that’s terrifying
why the fuck are you voting for someone who made his own private militarized police force to protect his interests like a stereotypical cold war era dictator
ok to but to be fair, the creator of Lemmy is a tankie. not “anyone I don’t like is a tankie” tankie, but “genuinely supports the Soviet Union and CCP” tankie.
why isn’t the void there
I think they are referring to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, etc. the past few wars the U.S. has been in have largely been fought over oil.
Florida has a a fucking military police corp and can legally take your kids if they admit to having gender dysphoria. Several states already have or are attempting to pass “bounty hunting” laws that encourage you to report trans people or people who have had an abortion or fucking MISCARRIAGE, even in other states, and will arrest them under penalty of death if they try to return. Politicians are openly calling for their enemies to be executed by firing squad. Depending on the 2024 election I probably wont live to see the next one. Shit’s turning into Saudi Arabia over here.
even funnier is the other cat screaming in the background in response
what in gods name is happening over there, between this and removing awards they’ve been acting really weird since the protest
im not sure whether i like that one or the 2009 one better tbh.