It’s a tough one. When we found a greenfinch with trichomonas it was heart breaking. We tried to treat it but it was too late. At the time we researched it and the RSPB advised to clean and move feeders regularly. Perhaps that’s not good enough.
It’s a tough one. When we found a greenfinch with trichomonas it was heart breaking. We tried to treat it but it was too late. At the time we researched it and the RSPB advised to clean and move feeders regularly. Perhaps that’s not good enough.
The next paragraph says:
The group said this has resulted in improvements to native woodlands, including natural regeneration, whilst at the same time facilitating moorland management.
Nothing like a land owner explaining to those who have very little why they should be happy with what they are given. She makes a good point that people are irresponsible, but that’s due to a lack of education. Ignorant people will go wherever they want anyway.
It’s a perfect example of how lobbying and misinformation can be so difficult to overcome. The impact of ‘flushable’ wipes is known and significant yet rules aren’t put in place to stop it. I wonder why…
Thanks! It’s strange, we have loads of blue tits in our garden and I swear I’ve not heard it before.
Great, thanks for the app suggestion and the effort!
I’m amazed anything has caught with how wet it’s been.
Unbelievable! There must be a way to track this down.
I’d argue (without any data to back it up) that most of those second homes are in places that are not economically viable places to live (rural, seasonal towns etc.)
Personally I’d say the solution is higher density housing near cities where there are jobs and current infrastructure. These immense satellite towns that stink of American suburbia are the worst case scenario and only serve to line the pockets of shitty companies like Taylor Wimpy etc.
Well, it’s kind of obvious. They’ve had lots of close wins and a few blowout losses. Maybe it’s a tactic, if you go down by a couple, give up and save energy for the next one haha.
Yeah, I was being a bit unfair and it seems to depend on location. And yes, make it clear and there won’t be a problem, but having the problem to complain about gives them credence to the removal of public rights of way.
Even the areas where there are rights of way, private land owners make it as difficult as possible to follow them.
If they can cull deer in Richmond park I think it can be done safely in most places. If the population is that rampant then the introduction of wolves and lynx would end up causing a spike in predator populations in short order that may force them to find food closer to humans as well, which would then lead to the need to cull the predator species. I’d expect that a cull would be required if predators are introduced to start everything off in a balanced state.
What’s the speed of the road? I would personally join the road earlier so that I can manoeuvre across with the traffic, but if the road is super fast I’d probably pick A. That is unless right on red is permitted, then I’m not sure.
At least two terrible calls by the refs though. They decided the game.
If cows are used for conservation grazing, isn’t the problem of them getting TB non existent? The problem is people catching TB from cows through milk and close contact, not cows catching TB from badgers.
Unfortunately wind farms are always going to have an impact on nature. All major infrastructure projects do. The alternative of continuing to rely on fossil fuels is already having a way more damning impact on all wildlife.
Here’s a hack: Claim all the profits the water companies are making as tax until it stops. Use the extra tax to fund monitoring and efforts to clean up the mess.
I think the caps logo is pretty average myself. Id put the canes logo at the bottom, it looks like a Beyblade
I think everyone has answered your question correctly so far. You can’t beat plywood for strength, but it is expensive. There are middle ground alternatives.
There is Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) which is between the two on strength but takes paint brilliantly. Many cabinet makers use this exclusively for mid range quality furniture.
Even cheaper is chipboard which is about as bad, or worse than OSB but you can get it laminated. Most very cheap furniture from places like IKEA use it and it can do a reasonable job.
All of these materials have their quirks, mainly on how you finish end grain (even plywood). Both MDF and chipboard suck at taking a screw so you have to get special screws and use them carefully. Make sure you do some research, there’s plenty of YouTube videos on using the products.