«hallowed be thy Name, thy Kingdom come», that’s ‘the christians’ Aim’/Islam
The world is ugly sometimes
We(sterners), aggressors, are still the main(~only) obstacle to ‘world peace’/‘a union of diversities’
♪All we are saaying…♬(, are we even trying ? we could/should/must protect them&us)

  • 94 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • Would you forgive or talk around these atrocities ? https://github.com/dessalines/essays/blob/main/us_atrocities.md.
    If you do then you’re an hypocrite ; if you don’t then you’re probably an anti-imperialist like us.
    This useful list was made by the same @dessalines that made Lemmy.

    Here’s just one example of what you’ve accepted : We’ve supported dictatorships in Hong-Kong(, they couldn’t vote until 1985), and Taiwan.
    For South Korea as well(, Rhee Syngnam from 1948 to 1960 ; Park Chung-hee from 1961 to 1979 ; and Chun Doo-hwan from 1980 to 1988).
    We also supported the dictatorship in Myanmar, and Suharto in Indonesia from 1967 to 1998, the Philippines from 1965 to 1986, etc.
    We also supported the authoritarian South Vietnam(, 1955-1963).
    And we’ll remember the Khmer rouge, but not the authoritarian and western-backed Lon Nol.
    We(sterners) also supported the military regimes in Thailand, anything but communism. Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore was also considered authoritarian.

    That’s only in Asia, which we abundantly bombed as you know because it was our duty to stop the freedom of choosing communism. The dozens of dictatorships that we supported or (helped )installed in South America and Africa are a bit more known, but not that much.
    We’re against communism more than tyrans, and aren’t invading because we have the moral duty to free these populations against their will, it’s just propaganda. Hitler probably had other arguments that judeo-bolchevism to fabricate the consentements of the germans to war, we(sterners) are using liberty, and it doesn’t really seem like we have a second argument so we’re going all-in on this one.

    Lemmygrad users are denying atrocity propaganda, and don’t want to close their eyes on our support to every anti-communist dictatorship.
    They’re dreamers of a better world, not afraid to think by themselves, and see like i do that we’re surrounded with conformists believing every single thing they’ve been told, who would have thus developed the opposite point of view if they were born in the other country.

    Look, i don’t like dictatorships either, and consider reddit worrying, but atrocity propaganda is a classic, we have many arguments to debunk our lies, almost all of them ignored by the rest of the population while we know your arguments. Our debunking is also the point of view of these governments and their population, who also know our arguments while we ignore theirs, not that our attacks are hard to understand anyway, the debunking necessarily take a bit more reading/understanding.

    We’re dreaming of a better world, and arguing why it’d be desirable.
    I can demonstrate why their political polls are genuine and their happiness outstanding, and why their propaganda isn’t as bad as you think it is, use Rednote, Douyin, or other apps if you want to see what chinese people are like.

    Am i right to understand that you have a problem with authoritarianism, and not communism per se, may i then ask by curiosity about your opinion on libertarian communism, or anarcho-communism ?

  • The salaries of socialist leaders is much lower than in capitalist-owned countries, e.g. aligned with the median salary, more than enough to revert your argument, they’re not here for the money but to serve. Corruption(, from the wealthy,) is also taken much more seriously than in our societies who even legalized lobbying anyway.

    And do you see the problem in accusing me of hypocrisy and whataboutism at the same time ?

    All the while, seemingly completely unaware of the profound comedic irony and dissonance of their professed political stance, their moral posturing, and the depravity of their willingness to side with the most blood-soaked, murderous regimes and psychopaths in history.

    You’re describing yourself supporting the west, who’s been mostly the only responsible of wars, genocides, support to dictators, …, since the colonization. The extent of our interventions isn’t taught in schools or medias, and didn’t stop in 1991.

    If you believe in the atrocity propaganda demonizing our declared enemies, and the duty to bring them freedom, i’ll continue to prefer living with them peacefully, in a world that would protect them&us

    Not much to add

    If we end this discussion with an author’s recommendation each, i’ve found Michael Parenti pleasantly surprising.

    And, besides more censorship on t.v. firing the last persons kinda leftists, shamelessly instrumentalizing an antisemitism that deeply traumatized jewish families, there’s more censorship on the/our Internet, or chatbots will also have to align with what our government deems to be wrongthoughts. That’s only for today.

  • Accusations that could be thrown at the center(, if you keep in mind that we’re downplaying our authoritarianism/manipulation/control for ourselves and allied countries, but are over-estimating or even inventing it for countries we dislike).
    For now there’s not a lot of internal dissent but it’s already too much for them, so their reaction would probably increase with it.
    And i.d.k. if you’re an american, but you only have two political parties and it already seems too much, i’d never have guessed that D.Trump could have won with such worldwide unified campaign against him, there’s a troubling lack of diversity on the net and in medias that isn’t reflected in the polls/votes. And this criticism of populism as if it was a bad thing, …

    Direct democracy then.

  • What they said is that the proletariat is in charge forever, not capitalists/bourgeois/‘the wealthiest’ anymore.

    You can trust our capitalist-owned medias on whether they succeeded or not.
    To only give one example that’s not known, you’ve never heard of their imperative mandates, only about their fake elections that seemed worthless(, see #25 here)
    Not only can our capitalists buy medias, but they can also directly give money to candidates they like, and we’ll sanction/invade the countries that don’t vote for the right person, our system isn’t a model, if only because it needs so many lies to be sustained.
    Capitalist-owned countries from the global South think that they should imitate our model to be wealthy, when it’s that model that perpetuates neo-colonialism.

    The problem is that the u.s.s.r., the People’s Republic of China, and other socialist states, were too attacked by foreign actors to establish a direct democracy, so it was only direct in some cooperatives, and Lenin stated that reactionaries were powerful enough to justify having a strong state.
    It’s not in the communist “d.n.a.” though, on the contrary since ‘the final state of socialism’/communism is a stateless society.
    The gulags only existed in a period of crisis when they endured wars after wars until WW2, but we abundantly talked about it when they were already closed. If repression and control of the population was as pronounced as we say they wouldn’t have been dislocated, just ask a chinese person about their social credit score or other lies if you ever meet one.
    Et cetera

    And islamists/muslims/theocrats are the best, no distinction between the spiritual and temporal, i won’t trust a faithless civilization or faithless people, even if most of them are great people.

    Also, i honestly don’t really mind if we(sterners) end up with “anarcho”-capitalism, feudalism, or whatever, diversity is good, as long as (people live there willingly and )we don’t prevent other countries from choosing another path, which can be done, we could at least try to conceive a system which would made wars(, and covert actions, sanctions, …,) completely impossible.

    Thanks for the reply though, ++

  • As long as you don’t censor us, which a decentralized Lemmy can’t do in comparison to Reddit.
    The government is way more worrying though.

    Hard to imagine that it was only a few years ago(, before E.Musk bought Twitter,) that we were denying the influence of governments on social media censorship, and said that “private companies aren’t censoring, because they’re not the government, if you don’t like this platform just change/leave”. It has changed and now we’ve quickly accepted that states should enforce (more )laws all over the/our internet. And many don’t see that our fact-checking is unilaterally biased, etc.

    Someone from programming.dev may have heard of the declaration of the independence of cyberspace , among others.

  • Seems like Lemmygrad wasn’t such a bad place to get answers then, thanks :) !

    However, your argument doesn’t seem to hold : can you cite a country which doesn’t offer the possibility to subscribe to a private insurance(, on top of the mandatory subscriptions to the public one) ?
    The difference here would be that those subscribing to a private insurance plan wouldn’t be forced to subscribe to the public one, and wouldn’t complain.
    They’d still perhaps try to destroy the public one(, or increase the out-of-pocket amount), by force of habit, and perhaps because it’s less private profits for them, but they wouldn’t be able to complain about being forced by the state to contribute against their will. They wouldn’t have a reason to feel concerned anymore.
    Correct me if i’m wrong, but i don’t see why they wouldn’t try to destroy the public system now, and why offering them an alternative would increase their attacks ?

    I agree that the best protection against such attacks would be to have a high subscription rate to the public insurance plan. Even better, to avoid having the state control that insurance, as well as capitalists obviously, there’s probably a way to make each subscriber take important decisions by vote, and really owning the insurance funds.
    That’s what the ~french “mutuelles” were originally if i’m not mistaken.

  • Or just let the citizen choose between both systems ?

    In France, or China, …, you can have a private insurance plan, but you still need to contribute to the public system, and i don’t clearly see why it should be necessary.

    In the u.s.a., with the exception of Medicare and Medicaid if you’re too old or poor, you can’t contribute to a public system of insurance even if you want to. I mean, even South Korea has a public healthcare system, universal since 1989, even if it’s far from free though, the u.s.a. is one of the few exceptions.

    If i'm trying to look which country has the most expensive healthcare system for its inhabitants

    (The “compulsory” part for the USA refers to the Obamacare, canceled in 2019. Perhaps that insurances linked to the employers are also included. And there’s Medicare and Medicaid)
    (Healthcare looks expensive in China, although less than India, 🤷)

    Beyond the relative costs, there’s also the absolute ones :

    This is probably the most relevant link :

    In both cases, the pro//anti capitalist sides could be satisfied if given the freedom of choice, but i’m probably missing something though.
    Germany and Switzerland seem kinda close to such “proposal”, not sure that i’ll have an answer here though :)

  • Or, better yet, watch the full video instead(, it starts at the 14th minute) : https://www.youtube.com/live/hzkCsIv365c

    I don’t believe in the 25 infringements to the ceasefire(, but i don’t know his arguments, only that the OSCE recorded more attacks from the ukrainian side in their ~millions of infringements recorded), and there’s the risk, from the russian side, of giving them time to rebuild an army, so here’s an idea among others :

    Ukraine is demilitarized, and promise not to join NATO(, promises are cheap). But NATO troops, and/or from the UN, will be tasked with protecting the border.
    However, for Russia to accept losing Ukraine, referendums could/should be held in the border lands to ask if they prefer to rejoin their old russian side or the new western side. And these referendums should be held again every ~5-10 years after that, with a total acceptance of russian medias in these regions. There would then be debates between pro&anti russians, and about the modalities(, e.g. the forms of autonomy, outside//inside the Russian federation).
    And whatever the results of these referendums ends up being, the anti-russian part of Ukraine should be left with an access to the sea(, unlike Bolivia).
    They don’t want to be forced to choose a side against their will, but also want to force others like Odessa to follow Lviv, even in the case of their inhabitants refusing the same NATO that bombed Serbia, Lybia, etc. Ukrainians are more russians than europeans, there’s the possibility of creating something else.
    There’s also the expectations of Transnistria, which could become a part of Russia.

    It’s just some thoughts.

    JD Vance shouldn’t have talked like he did(, at least not publicly, even if i like transparency), V.Zelensky could have reacted in a better way, just a temporary moment of anger while trying to express a ‘point of view’/desire 🤷

  • Material conditions enforces coercion(, bargaining power). His decision upon the Washington Post, and admittance that only Internet criticizes the capitalist viewpoints/mistakes, is also an illustration of how capitalism enforces its decisions upon its possessions, long live democracy in the workplace instead. No master except God(, by definition one can’t escape its/our determinism, and shouldn’t reject Idea(l)s).
    State-driven innovation is obviously more efficient than a company driven by profits instead of goals/vision/values(, who’ll choose planned obsolescence, monopolies, stealing from other companies, …, over genuine progress). Their theory states that the price would end up so low that they wouldn’t waste profits in dividends and huge salary gap, but that’s only one of the discrepancies between their theory and reality.

    Most of the world is capitalist and most of the world is poor, americans aren’t even able to describe what socialism/communism is, so the debate is as biased as usual. When people are working two jobs and still barely pay the rent you’re living in a failed state.
    And blah blah blah, the usual. You’ll continue to prevent other countries from choosing their destiny by themselves instead of working on a supra-national institution protecting you&them from each other influence. And you’ll prevent them from choosing a different path in the name of freedom of course.
    Purpose-driven competitive hard work is good, and should be rewarded with the results, but money or power should never be the goal but only a mean towards an (hopefully virtuous )end, the exploitation of noble families already hurt us enough in the past. And the real innovators aren’t the wealthy investors but are in r&d, and ignored, they’re the real heroes that don’t care about money/power but about results instead, offering their discoveries to ignorant&useless capitalists/masters/employers/middlemen who aren’t as disinterested or purpose-driven. Elon Musk has goals, he’s very clearly awesome but i don’t see a second capitalist like him, even if there’s probably 1-3% of them who don’t care as much about wealth/power as about ‘the common good’/‘walking towards a better world’, who have multiple original ideas for improvements and are realizing them. Capitalists aren’t proving that the wealth they’ve stolen from customers&employees is put to a better use than if the state got that money instead.
    (Vinted and Manomano have good filters on their website but Amazon is far from it and it wouldn’t be that hard(, it could start with only the new products and some categories, it’d cost money to pay a team for testing themselves a given sample but that’s how it should be done, to avoid annoying the seller and to control the test environment with custom tests and filters, Temu, Alibaba, french websites, … should also do that if they want to do/be better), among other improvements. Asking for customers do round up their order by giving to a charity of their choice(, among a selection and/or freely,) would also improve their image, etc.)

    That countries should selfishly think about themselves, and not serve the common good instead by helping each other, is the exact same trash “ideology”(, and certainly a consequence of the mindset of individuals,) than encouraging citizens’ selfishness instead of altruism/empathy, even if it’s at their own expenses.
    They said that (the religious )empathy/goodness failed, and that selfishness/individuality would end up producing the same results in every single case.
    I don’t care if westerners fail as long as we don’t bring the rest of the world with us, but i’m not the one deciding, the strong do what it can and the weak suffer what it must.

  • Huh. I didn’t take a look at your links and kinda expected to have problems with the mods for that comment anyway.
    Seems like we have the same opinion and lemmy.ml is indeed not Reddit.

    Sorry for such a bad comment, i’m french and our president, but far from only him, said a few annoying things that made me want to vent out, honestly i don’t know why, just that it’s one of these times when everything i’m hearing from the radio or t.v. or some twitter accounts of politicians just annoy me, it was a pointless comment in that sense, probably the equivalent of seeking a (verbal )fight in a pub, i was just getting ready to be angry at a poor pro-ukrainian as if it was productive, 🤷

  • So Ukraine wasn’t building up an army to recover Crimea and fight against anti-n.a.t.o. separatism in its south-east ? Zelensky was elected as an alternative to anti-russians(, without the vote of south-eastern ukrainians under an economic blocus among other things), and did the opposite.
    It’s just like saying that Russia will invade the rest of Europe or other lies(, probably the russian interferences as well since Russiagate was debunked and we have a strong history of lying, Georgia was the aggressor during the Beijing olympics), we just can’t tell the truth and our population is even ignoring the talking points of the opponent. The non-westerners know our point of view, never difficult to understand, we’re the ones systematically ignoring theirs, and lying with biases visible even to those agreeing with us.
    Netanyahu is also a liar but that’s what we(sterners) do, the end justifies the means our leaders/representatives don’t speak from/with their heart, there’s an assumed propaganda of talking points, e.g. unprovoked for Russia or terrorists for Palestine, what are palestinians supposed to do to stop the ongoing colonization and live peacefully together ? What is Russia supposed to do if it’s rejected by the west because of their desire to be independent and in favor of multipolarity, supporting the declared enemies of the “policemen of the world” ? Iran wouldn’t be considered authoritarian if it was zionist.
    What matters here is that there are solutions for each problem, we have a strong tendency to consider our opponents crazy/incomprehensible, without explaining/justifying in order to seek a national unity.
    Now we’re censoring people for their opinions even more than before, it comes from the state and not platforms, with jail time and fees, but since we’re not killing people for posting unapproved opinions it could be worse. JD Vance was right to criticize the censorship wave of these last years in Europe(, and the US as well in a lesser measure), liberty is our only answer for a lack of egality 🤷(, in some forms, « poverty is slavery » though)

  • I wonder if Russia should accept this proposal of exchanging territories, because they’re too emotionally attached to their west, so giving up in their far east on an equal number of square kilometers(, minus Transnistria which would/could join Ukraine,) could give them company in their demographic balancing toward the East.
    One condition should be to ensure that such territory wouldn’t become a thorn in Russia’s side ; so what remains of Ukraine, as well as their new territory, wouldn’t be able to be with anti-russians anymore.
    It’s too late to be nice to each other, but on the other side Ukraine and Russia have a very long history together. If they can side together in their eastern expansion, they could perhaps end up brothers and sisters again, especially with Odessa and Transnistria, but perhaps even eastern Galicia one day.
    There’d have to be conditions, in exchange, towards Ukraine’s friendliness after the war though.

    (And if Russia wants more children then women have to stop working, it doesn’t come from anywhere else, and fathers could stay at home instead(, a 50-50 between fathers//mothers at home in the population could easily be done with propaganda, it’d be a difference from the past), but it’s a full-time job past 3-4 children, the desire wouldn’t be there)

    Thank you Mr.Trump

    Edit :
    I did some rough calculations, and with a fertility higher than Nigeria, around ~8.5, they could reach the billion people before 2100.
    Encouraging strongly couples to have more than 10 children means that these women will lose their current role in companies/industries(, and there’s an incompatibility of so many pregnancies with a career, except if artificial incubators are used from the fifth month, could be a cultural practice if there’s no noticeable downsides), such policies would also be criticized(, although less than producing children in vitro).
    That’s the kind of decision that should be decided democratically, like all important long-term decisions. It could give a purpose for this century, i.d.k., just that 150M isn’t enough to become a center, i think, but they have the potential/territory/history for that, and now they’re even less numerous than during the 80s. I.d.k. if increasing their population is necessary to be a center but it seems a part of it.

  • He obtained a very high result in the first round compared with the last elections :

    I’m a bit too cynical with these votes, just like with surveys, it can be rigged.
    In any case it’s already rigged since capitalist-owned medias tells workers to vote against their interests, and political parties/candidates can be helped financially by the wealthy.

    And even if she won, she won’t be able to launch a communist revolution if she wanted to, for internal and external reasons, the examples of Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, …, are known by all.
    Also, she’s not an indigenous and i’d very much like to see South&Central America given back to (a revival of )their culture.
    I very much like Rafael Correa, Andrés Arauz, and her as well of course, and can’t understand how Lenín Moreno managed to accomplish such a betrayal, and then subsequent presidents had bad ratings, i may be falsely oversimplifying by accusing the narrative/‘capitalist-owned medias’, w/e 🤷

  • One day he’s criticized for saying that Hitler was a communist, the other for apparently assuming his love of nazis.
    There’s an old series of books by Terry Goodkind that i’ve read as a child, named the Sword of Truth, each book has a wizard’s rule, and here’s the first one :

    People are stupid. They believe things mainly because they either want them to be true or fear them to be true.

    I’m not particularly fond of these books nor do i agree with this rule, but if you’re political then you’re judging real political actions, such as enacted laws, like adults do, or you’re eventually discussing assumed theories, but not unfair little excerpts regretted afterwards by the one who did them, and we can hopefully both agree that we should not explain our worldview or vote based on the latter, its ‘just for fun’/‘not serious’.
    At least most journalists know that it’s only about influencing his future decisions, but you don’t if you believe it was ‘a coming out’/‘something to be discussed seriously’.
    That’s just my two cents, thanks for reading my insults towards ~you, and let’s continue not changing.

  • conspiracy theorists taking us for idiots, nothing new(, even if you’re taking it quite farther than usual).

    On the side of real stuff happening : D.Trump said a lot in his inauguration speech, and just put Cuba back on the terrorist states list, as well as signing over twenty executive orders, etc. Seems worth more discussion than your fantasies.

    Just unfortunate that, like for D.Trump, you’re too used to discussing the form instead of the content, we’re worth more than selected/biased excerpts.