LOL, I know, right. It’s just downright dyatopian
LOL, I know, right. It’s just downright dyatopian
Not if you have control over the hardware and firmware. But I suppose open sourced versions will happen one way or another.
Somebody better tell Sony about this. I’m sure they want to cash in from their patent being infringed.
:p /s
The dreaded future of advertising is here. Next step, in your face as you do your daily stuffs.
Yeah I read the entire Wikipedia entry on the Byford Dolphin and I almost threw up because how vivid the description is. I think this would be my third time saying this but that’s not a nice way to go (to die) at all.
Yeah I read about it. Definitely not the nicest way to go.
This one became real dark when the Russians shot the Azerbaijani flight. This video was released days before that tragedy, no?
Wouldn’t this human in theory become a crumpled sausage like what happened to the crab by the leaking underwater pipe?
If that one advert is to believed, even Santa Claus got shot down flying over Russian space.
And that was days before this needless tragedy.
Basically no find, no fee. And it’s up to OceanInfinity to be able to actually find the wreckage before they lose 70 million down the ocean.
The other thing that isn’t mentioned is the salvage rights. Local Malaysian newspapers have not even mentioned anything too.
Yeah but I was under the impression that a president / leader of a country should not have any other citizenship other than the country he is in. Today I learnt something and thank you for for taking your time to explaining it.
Thank you for enlightening me on how it works in the Argentinian-Italian context.
Hi. I have a question out of genuine curiosity. If a president is granted citizenship of another country, would that not invalidate his presidency? After all, that would have meant he has “given up” on his country to become a citizen of an “another country.”
No, and they will find ways to screw users more. Corpos are not anyone’s friends.
This I don’t trust the US legal system but it’ll be very funny if the Sandy Hook parents win.
For some reason after reading this (because I’m very new to Lemmy), your post made me feel like that squiggly thing / slime inside the box that wanted freedom, then the moment it takes a step outside, got punched back in and now is happily being inside the box, even if its cramped.
I think it was a meme too.
Yeah, but I do feel that way (after taking a look there)
Uncle Kracker - Follow me. I used to sing the shit out of it, because I just liked the tune. Until I learn there was a whole different meaning than just “I’m the better guy” lyrics.
I still humm it, but it hits differently.
Interesting. This actually puts into question why certain subs does not have countries assigned. Like news should be news, not a one country spesific news.
Non American here, but we’ve seen how things unfolded when something parallel-ly similar happened. I think its time for Americans to see that just like any other nations that their leaders talk about “we need to remove them because they’re corrupt and they’re impeachable in their own country”. I think Americans on whatever ends need to realise that morals have bottomed out, and what they have is a legal system, not justice system.
Actually I had the impression that there are many Malaysians on Reddit. I guess I’m wrong! Haha
Oh I suffer from that daily. Yeah it’s very annoying.