tesla’s are shit cars and cars are fuckn awful for the environment so its the creme dela creme of a shit stain. some people actually think they’re doing the environment a good thing buying a new car instead of demanding public transportation/or at least buy something used to literally stop killing the earth.
like seriously you think you’re doing something to help the environment by buying a new car from a elon fucken musk? like you do realise tesla lobbys against public transporation? You know something that would actually help the environment.
like he’s literally a car salesman and you dupes were suckered into it like a fucken simpsons monorail
are you that short sighted to believe that ‘sucking it up for the kids’ is really going to be better for the kids in the long run? or do you still believe trickle down economy is gonna save the future?
did you just not make that leap?