Being literal is bad. It should produce something that a native would say, not a literal translation.
Love, a translator.
The UK will give you free citizenship if you’re considered very useful. A friend of mine is an epidemiologist, and they almost literally threw British citizenship at her. She said that nobody at the group ceremony spoke English.
It also stinks. Source: my apartment stinks of baked broccoli.
Trump will absolutely arm Russia, though. People keep forgetting he’s a traitor.
Also, a lot of the arms the US has sold to Ukraine can be switched off remotely by the US.
There is a difference between race and nationality.
I’m seeing too many edgelords, Russian trolls and 4channers on Lemmy.
The earth will be too hot to live on in less than 50 years, so yeah… Mr. Optimist indeed.
About 20% of Europeans own a gun; about 30% of Americans own a gun. The difference is that the latter tend to own more than one gun, making it 120 guns per 100 people.
The BBC has a great multi episode series about Pompeii at the moment if you fancy surfing the VPN seas.
It’s a shame that it only seems to have taken hold in certain areas in Germany. I.e. not in either of mine.
I’m a big fan of Pratchett’s “-ing”.
Runkeeper only works with Spotify and Apple Music, though, so if you want to listen to music you’re stuck with a choice between a rock and a hard place.
TomTom did the same. It used to be a one-off payment and now it’s a subscription. Those who made the one-off payment were only able to keep using it for a limited time and then they had to subscribe too.
It was, by Musk, he used the addresses he got from that sweepstake. A number of computer scientists sent proof to the Democrats and were ignored.
Dammit, I had all the sources somewhere.
They just need to reintroduce the EC system (no fee).
Exercise when you’re sick is a great way to get long covid or long flu. You’re just incredibly lucky. So far.
BRB, raiding Edeka.