The phrase “in minecraft” must trigger alarm bells in some intelligence agency at this point
The phrase “in minecraft” must trigger alarm bells in some intelligence agency at this point
It’s similar to my surname with some letters changed. I’m also reliably informed from rap music that steez = style with ease.
Does anyone remember when the writer googled a recipe for their historical novel and copy pasted the first result - which turned out to be fictional from Zelda BOTW
Thanks for your valued contribution.
Us oppressed Scottish spouses need a support group!
My wife is English and she calls my pancakes “scotch pancakes”. Meanwhile she makes crêpes and calls those “pancakes”. Shit is crazy, yo.
When an alien cell begins to grow and swell,
Say hello to evolution,
I was dragged to see this and was extremely confused because the last marvel film I saw was Revenge of Ultron
Extremely unlikely and possibly physically impossible
It was British high drama
Use whatever works for you!
I had a glorious moment at a restaurant with my extended family where there was a large group with kids at the next table letting them run riot. The parents were all nursing huge glasses of white wine and chatting away while the kids bothered other diners, waiters, etc.
At the end of the meal, after paying the bill, my uncle went over to the parents and told them their kids had ruined our meal. One of the parents tried to protest that he’d obviously never had kids. He responds, “I raised 3 kids and none of them ever behaved as badly as yours have done this afternoon.” Mic drop; my party left.
One thing I like about knowing find
(and grep
for that matter) is that you know it will be installed everywhere. It makes working on remote servers so much easier, especially if you can’t install any new packages with your user permissions.
Comedies seem to bomb at the box office which is why we have seen fewer recently. Horror is the only pure “genre” that seems to have consistently good profits.
Probably Metroid Prime but some days I think it is Dark Souls 1. Both are similar in terms of trying to embody an adventure with strong environmental storh telling.
Good! Matrix 4 was the worst POS I’ve seen since Epic Movie
If you want to see what linux was like 15 years ago try installing OpenBSD lol
The compiled distros should be easy instead of nightmare tbh
Thank you for ending the debate humourously. I’m so sick of having debates on this forum where my interlocutor gets all up in their feelings and spurns any sort of olive branch from me.
delightfully devious
edit: hey I’ll give you 20k robux to commit a heinous crime on my behalf (on fortnite)