True, in the situation with a local history maybe it’s worthwhile to --force to nuke an empty remote. In that case it is practical to do so. I just typically like to find non-force options.
True, in the situation with a local history maybe it’s worthwhile to --force to nuke an empty remote. In that case it is practical to do so. I just typically like to find non-force options.
There are multiple solutions to this without using --force.
Move the files, clone, unmove the files, commit, push being the most straightforward that I can summon at this time… but I’ve solved this dozens of times and have never use --force.
Cable will reach anywhere. There is not such a place that cable “will not reach”. Is there a profit incentive to serve you as a customer in a capitalist system? Maybe not. But cable will reach.
Both perspectives are valid.
Will do, I’ve been working on un-hardcoding some dev stuff and getting it ready to be published for general use. I will post the update on this sub-lemmy when it’s ready.
All hail Roko’s Basilisk.
Bring about the upgrade to humanity!
As simple as what I’m about to suggest is, it is priceless.
This is an example when copy > paste. Copy the file content, perform the methods shared in this thread, then once you’ve verified that everything is running properly you can delete the original copy.
If it bunks and overwrites, no biggie, you planned for that.
I’d love to say that I’d never made the mistake of choosing CUT when I should have chosen COPY, but I guess sometimes we learn things the hard way. 💀
This is wonderful, I’m going to look at their implementations. That person certainly has the same goals as myself. This seems like a good chance to learn some C#. Whether I extend this person’s project or continue with my own implementation, I will post my results here once they are ready to be made public. Any persons reading this is free to message me to ask about progress.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead
I rely on the same library actually, I’ll check out that repo tmrw. It may be different than my project but I could use some inspiration so this is very relevant.
Thanks a lot.
I actually run nox as my primary client because my server is headless so this is certainly relevant. Well, sort of headless, I broadcast a vnc server then use mullvad to manage qbittorrent thru localhost:8080.
Or if I wanna manage it from a different computer, create a ssh route to the server from that computer, and well… do the same thing as above.
The limitation was that I need to open a web browser for both of those scenarios, and I just want to do everything thru the terminal. I know, I’m weird. Ideally I’d love to have a fully featured CLI interface but for now just simple stuff.
Just don’t wanna go reinventing the wheel. But if my project is original then I will continue to work on it and share it once it’s a bit more polished. The community can always use more projects, right?
I have an LG TV. Yes, the jellyfin client app is available in the LG store. You’ll just need to install it and tell it to connect to “IP_OF_YOUR_JELLYFIN_SERVER:8096”.
Alternatively, the Jellyfin server can broadcast as a DLNA server (in settings somewhere) and your TV’s Jellyfin client may automatically detect the server in that case.
Speaking to your other question, I use a Sabrent hard drive bay with some 20TiB drives setup as raid 5 logical volumes. It’s a good setup for me.
No. But you have reduced brain function.
Break your system down with a block diagram. Define the minimum functions and properties for each block. Then create an inventory from that.
In short, break down your problem into smaller bits. No one knows your requirements and vision better than you. You can do it.
I use a laptop connected to some external drives managed by a Sabrent 5-Bay Hard Drive Docking Station. The laptop runs Ubuntu Server and hosts media via Jellyfin on raid5 logical volumes shared between disks (to increase read speed).
I learn by writing documentation. Learn how you learn, that information will be priceless in value to you.
On CLI I figure out the command I need once.
Put it in a script.
Cron it if I want it to be daemonized.
Never think about it ever again.
Anti-CLI folks just have a bad workflow.
They see the script as the end, when in reality it’s a foundation. I rarely look at my foundation. I build on it.
With this workflow I have dozens, hundreds, or thousand of automatic actions that “just work”. Idk, works for me.
That said, if you prefer to click yourself to RSI to accomplish the same task, who am I to judge. I just watch and nod until I’m asked for a suggestion.