Depends what you mean, Steam is not DRM, most of the game is sells don’t have DRM. However Steam API has a DRM feature that developers can use of they choose to.
So what do you mean?
Depends what you mean, Steam is not DRM, most of the game is sells don’t have DRM. However Steam API has a DRM feature that developers can use of they choose to.
So what do you mean?
Steady on Buck Rogers, what is this, 2025!?
Rubicon (2010), it’s a proper spy thriller based on intelligence analysts as opposed to field agents.
Unfortunately it got canned early, but I loved the story and writing, I have a feeling the show was a little too close to home, but that’s a whole other conspiracy theory…
Moonlighting is the greatest!
Funded by Netflix though, so…
Not all their games are DRM free though, they ‘sold out’ a long time ago.
Adam Curtis calls is ‘oh-dearism’
Neverwinter Nights: there’s a new DLC released based on Icewwind Dale which caught my eye so I’m phasing through the beginning campaign first.
I love CRPGs and Dungeons and Dragons but never played this before.
It’s OK, plays fine in my PC, Beamdog did the Enhanced Edition treatment on it.
The story is interesting enough but I’m finding that the game is filled with fighting for the sake of it.
I’m not sure I have the patience but I would be interested to try some of the community expansions, someone even remade Eye of the Beholder I & II
Is this like Ready or Not? I went for Ground Branch instead and was disappointed that it seems like abandon ware.
Is this a different guy from Florida Man?
RetroDeck is the best way in my opinion.
It differes from other solutions as it creates a containered application to run all your emulators.
This means everything is kept tidy isolated from the rest of your system under RetroDeck, if you have any errors it’s simple to wipe and start again without losing your ROMs, its simple to try new systems in the future.
I love my PSP Go, such an awesome emulation machine
Nice, thanks for getting back to us
They’re totally BSD gamers
Too Human
Action Quake 2 was great, there was also Urban Terror I think similar to Counter Strike.
Lots of small things you could do like player skins, and audio, never had to pay for that either unlike the nonsense mtx of today
I think Q2 had the best mods and TCs though
The best Final Fantasy
Tesco started their invasion in 2012