Super, danke.
Super, danke.
Bitte hier posten! Danke.
Glorifizierung von Militär. Genau was Deutschland beim rutschen in den Faschismus dringend braucht.
Life as optimization problem.
The extreme right has realised for a few years now that they can work together and dismantle the EU from the inside.
This! Was searching the whole comment section and wanted to post it just now and luckily hit refresh.
Exactly. It is not inclusive at all.
It’s a bit of dilemma because intuitive means different things to different users. In fact research showed that skeuomorphism is reintroduced for new modalities and then discarded after users get used to it.
I think it is exactly the other way around. Companies are well-organized on the global level and can influence Brussels and national EU governments. See the latest Qatar scandal or the often cited cucumber regulations. However, in Europe, the social market orientation results in majorities favoring more government control. In contrast, the US often rejects such policies as “communism”.
Exactly, Indian food
Süß, du denkst eine ehemaliger Banker muss sich im Alter eine Unterkunft mit dem Gesindel teilen.
Totally agree, we face a possible far right European Parliament next June. Brussels and the national governments refuse to fix the democratic deficit of the EU. If then Germany or France topple as well, Trump will be the least of our problems.
Ich hab bis zum Ende gelesen, um zu erfahren wie wir denn nun alle vom Ende der Ehe profitieren. Bis dorthin wichtige Punkte zum Reflektieren, aber als dann endlich der Punkt kommt, ist das Argument einfach “Kapitalismus böse”. Ich widerspreche dem gar nicht aber daraus allein erschließt sich keine direkter Vorteil für alle. Schade. Reißerischer Titel.
This is the way.
Hear hear
True, but there has been a sharp decline in reading and math for two decades.